Expand and extend gabion wall on slope | slope stabilization | raised bed
The small slope below the parking lot was secured with a gabion wall last year. I created a raised bed between the wall of stone baskets and the parking lot and planted the first plants. The raised bed has an automatic watering system and is additionally secured with a honeycomb fleece. The area in front of the office now looks tidier and cleaner than before. Our visitors are offered a much more beautiful picture. The slope was also secured against slipping with the stone baskets. In this article I describe how I extended the existing gabion wall with an additional stone basket.
Build your own carport – safely stabilize slopes with gabions
Securing the slope with a gabion wall was the final task in our “Build your own carport” project. Our double carport was finally finished. The roof turned out to be tight, and I had applied the paint several times to ensure long-lasting quality and protection. Once I had installed the electrics, LED lighting, motion detectors and a surveillance camera, the interior of the carport was as good as complete. Now I turned my attention to the final slope stabilization behind and next to the carport. In addition to the solid, steel-reinforced formwork stone wall, I planned to erect a decorative gabion wall in the front viewing area to provide additional…
Build your own carport – secure slope with shuttering blocks
To effectively secure the slope behind my carport, I decided to build a retaining wall made of formwork stones. This measure was not only intended to bring visual improvements, but also to ensure the stability of the slope. In this context, the construction of a solid strip foundation was essential in order to guarantee permanent slope stabilization. In this article I describe how I built the concrete foundation and I describe how I built my steel-reinforced wall from concrete formwork blocks in order to be able to use our new carport safely, despite the slope.
Securing slopes with gabions – building corners and curves
The stone baskets for the gabion wall were erected over a length of a good 20 meters within a few weeks. Starting from the driveway in a south-easterly direction, I was able to build a slight curve. The spirals provide a certain amount of play – but this does not allow for tight curves. So now I had to form proper corners with
Slope stabilization with gabions – Building raised beds with gabions
Below the gabion-enclosed parking lot, right next to the house, there is an earth slope. This is a good 6m long and just under 2m deep. The entire terrain is sloping at this point and the slope compensates for a height difference of around 1.5m. The slope is so steep that it slides downwards bit by bit during heavy rainfall. I had to find a solution for slope stabilization quickly.