Build your own carport – Easycarport build into the slope
The carport could finally be built! In the past weeks, the subsoil was prepared and the H-post anchors were embedded in the KG pipes.
The slope was secured with a wall of formwork stones and a thick layer of crushed stone formed the base for the parking spaces under the carport.
Build carport yourself – post into the post anchors
With sufficient manpower, the construction could start on a Saturday. First, the individual posts were shortened according to my calculation and installed in the H-post anchors.
The posts were initially fastened with screw clamps so that they could be precisely aligned with the spirit level.
Screwing with the H-post anchors should be done only towards the end. In this way, the beams can first all be fastened in order to be able to finally align the posts again.
Screw the end beam to the carport
The two lateral end beams were then attached to the posts. Here, too, the fastening was first done with screw clamps before the long wood screws were turned into holes which were first pre-drilled with a wood drill.
I measured out the bars beforehand and marked the final positions with a pencil. This makes subsequent work much easier and more efficient.
For this work, you should have reasonable tools at hand. The screws have a length of partly over 20cm. The cordless screwdriver therefore requires a correspondingly high torque. A spirit level, hammer and a bit set are also absolutely recommended.
In any case, you should think about a suitable lifting device. To get the beams to the right height and also to fix them there, I resorted to my scaffolding from Layher.
With the installation of the rear crossbeam, a certain stability was already basically given.
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Video – Build your own carport
The construction and assembly of the Easy Carport I have again recorded in a video.
You can find my videos about building the carport in my playlist Project Carport – Building a Carport on a Slope by Yourself. If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.
Install end beam on the carport itself
Unfortunately, the assembly of the front end beam was not so easy. Although the posts were all fixed vertically, the two lateral end beams diverged.
Without further ado, 2 tension belts were assembled and mounted around the two outer end beams. Then the front end beam was moved into the appropriate position with the scaffolding.
With the tensioning straps, the two lateral end beams could now be pulled inward to conveniently attach the front beam.
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Mount cross struts and screw posts together
From now on, the work continued to be divided. This enabled us to keep to the schedule and build the carport within one day.
While on the one hand the posts were now finally fixed by means of the screws supplied and the crossbars were screwed between the posts and the end beams, the other working group placed the remaining crossbars in the post shoes that had to be mounted beforehand.
I pre-drilled the holes for the machine screws into the posts with a 10 wood drill bit. Precise work is indispensable here. With a post thickness of 14cm it is not so easy to drill a 10mm hole through the post with a maximum tolerance of 1-2mm.
I pre-drilled a total of 2 holes per post and then attached the screws. Here, the position of the posts was checked again with the spirit level and readjusted if necessary.
The post shoes were nailed to the lateral beams. Then the crossbeams were inserted and nailed as well. I did not have to use tension straps when assembling the crossbeams. The beams were a perfect fit to the millimeter.
With good preparation and active support, the carport was ready after a good 4 hours and I was able to thank my construction helpers and let them go home.
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Roof and gutter is mounted on the carport
Together with my father, the rain gutter and the drain, the eaves sheet and the trapezoidal sheet roof were now installed.
The trapezoidal sheet was nailed to the end beam and ensures that the water from the roof runs directly into the gutter.
After a total of 7 hours, it was time for us to call it a day.
Paint carport itself and install roof curb sheets
In the days that followed, the carport was painted a total of 4 more times with the paint that came with it before I was able to install the roof curb. At this point, questions arose for the first time that the previously good assembly instructions could not answer.
So I assumed that the roof crown is placed with a certain distance to the side of the front beams so that the rainwater can drip off and not run off over the wood.
However, it then lacked in the length of the sheets since they then no longer overlapped.
However, a quick call to the manufacturer was able to provide clarity. The roof curb sheets must overlap each other and, as a result, be in direct contact with the side of the end beams.
So the rainwater will run down the side of the sheets along the wood.
After painting, I could then devote myself to installing the electrics. In addition to power and network technology, loudspeakers should also be mounted here later.
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