Build your own parking lot with gabions and lawn grids
In order to park the cars safely and securely, the next step was to build a parking lot in the garden. But what is the best method for this, especially on clay soil?
In search of answers, I created a new parking space immediately after the paving stone path to the side entrance was built.
My goal was to offer the office’s customers a convenient parking lot on the property. Although the parking area in front of the house was already in use, it consisted only of compacted loamy earth, which was very unpleasant in wet weather.
Which substructure for parking in the garden?
Careful planning was initially required for this project.
Taking into account the available space and the standard dimensions of a car, the area should be extended to around 4 x 6 meters.
To ensure that the pitch remains ice-free in winter and drains well in heavy rain, a drainage layer was added to the subsoil.
The excess frost protection and gravel left over from draining the basement foundation was laboriously spread over the future parking space and compacted with a vibratory plate.
The gravel has a thickness of 20 to 30 centimeters and lies over a layer of slag, which is completely around our house. This compaction of the soil took place over 100 years ago and is now finally paying off.
- Plattengröße: 540 x 420 mm / Hohe Vorlaufgeschwindigkeit – zur Erhöhung der Arbeitsleistung
- Verdichtungsdruck: 23000 N / Leistungsstarker 5,6 PS Motor
- Inklusive Fahrvorrichtung, zum Transport auch durch eine Person
- Inklusive schwarzer Gummimatte für Pflasterarbeiten
- Automatischer Vorlauf – erlaubt dem Anwender dennoch problemlosen Eingriff in die Bewegungsrichtung
Which surface is best suited for a parking lot?
With the vibrated and compacted frost protection, we now had a temporary parking lot for the time being.
Since temporary solutions are known to last a long time – because they are not further processed – it was time to move forward. The parking space required a base layer that closes at the top.
After extensive research, we opted for a synthetic turf grid system. These grilles are extremely stable and easy to handle.
They are UV-resistant and can withstand loads of up to 800 tons. They are laid seamlessly in a bond.
The click system, which is clearly visible in the pictures, ensures solid stability and reinforcement between the connected elements. The ground spikes on the underside of the grids anchor them firmly and securely in the ground.
As the manufacturer, Thermoform, is based in our home town, we were able to purchase the required lawn grids conveniently on site, without the need for expensive haulage. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the fast and uncomplicated processing.
The panels were collected within 2 hours by a truck belonging to a friend and stacked at the construction site.
Building gabions as a boundary
We decided to use gabion walls to prevent the frost protection and the grass slabs from slipping on the partially sloping surface next to the driveway.
I have already had good experience with this and the effort involved was manageable.
Gabions are robust stone baskets that provide the necessary stability due to their high weight.
Thanks to the abundance of stones we had available, the gabions could be assembled, erected and aligned without any problems.
However, the stone baskets were not filled until the end so that adjustments could still be made after the turf grids had been laid
- - : Gabionenkrbe dienen effektiv als Lrmschutz und sorgen fr Privatsphre und sind daher ideal fr Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien.
- : Mit ihrer Kombination aus Metall und Naturstein werden Gabionen zunehmend als sthetische Gestaltungselemente in Grten eingesetzt und werten die Landschaft mit Elementen wie Bnken und Hochbeeten auf. Inkl. 6 Distanzhalterung. Maschenweite: 50 100 mm; Gre: 100 80 30 cm
- : Die aus 4 mm dickem Kabeldraht gefertigten Gabionenkrbe bieten Haltbarkeit und Stabilitt und gewhrleisten eine dauerhafte Leistung in verschiedenen Anwendungen.
- : Das feuerverzinkte Material bietet eine hervorragende Korrosionsbestndigkeit, sodass Gabionenkrbe fr den Einsatz im Freien bei unterschiedlichen Wetterbedingungen geeignet sind.
- : Gabionenkrbe sind umweltfreundlich, da sie aus Naturstein und recycelbaren Materialien bestehen, sich nahtlos in die natrliche Umgebung einfgen und gleichzeitig die Nachhaltigkeit frdern.
Video – Slope stabilization with gabions
A few years later, I secured the area below the pitch with another gabion wall and created a raised bed with automatic irrigation.
In my blog entry Slope stabilization with gabions – Building raised beds with gabions, I show you exactly how I did it.
I have recorded all the steps, from removing the old earth slope and preparing the foundations to filling the gabions with granite stones, in the following video.
You can also find information on the subsequent installation of the valve box for automatic irrigation with a drip hose from Rain Bird and the surface design with a honeycomb fleece and stones in my garden irrigation playlist.
If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.
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Cutting and laying lawn grids for the parking lot
The pictures already show another walkway behind the gabions. This will later connect the large parking space with the side entrance via a staircase. However, these plans are scheduled for next year.
As a precautionary measure, I built empty conduits into the gabions so that I could connect lamps or other electrical consumers later on.
Phase two of the project – laying the lawn grids – has now begun.
We were supplied with a good 2.5 cubic meters of grit in total. I first spread some of it over the surface and used a straightedge to level it off to a height of a good 10 cm.
This was necessary in order to align the grids properly despite the long ground spike. Although the spike was very robust, it was difficult to insert into the already compacted antifreeze.
The grass grid slabs were now laid out row by row and connected to each other using the click system.
A bollard was quickly installed at the corner of the house to prevent vehicles from driving on the sidewalk. Although this makes parking a little more difficult, it protects the sidewalk, which is not designed for such loads.
The grass grids were cut out around the bollard with a jigsaw and then simply laid on top of the chippings.
I then used the vibrating plate to vibrate the empty grids into the gravel to create a level transition between the driveway and the parking space.
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Fill the grass grid in the parking lot with gravel
The parking lot was now fundamentally complete. The grass grid slabs were in place and extremely stable thanks to their bond. All that was missing was the right material to fill the panels.
To do this, I spread the second half of the supplied grit over the surface and swept it into the openings in the lawn grids with a broom.
Although the manufacturer Thermoform recommends using a mixture of earth and sand, I decided to use split. The concern was that the steering movements of the wheels would cause the grit to spread between the grilles and lead to warping over time.
Nevertheless, I didn’t want to have any greenery on the pitch, so I stuck with gravel. In the worst case, I would have to remove the slabs again, spread the chippings again and reposition the lawn grids.
After more than 10 years, however, I can reassure you. The panels are still firmly and securely in place and there is no warping.
The last picture shows the finished result, including the filled gabions.
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