Pool umbauen folie in den pool schweissen commaik.de 064 a - Laying, gluing and welding pool liners correctly

Laying, gluing and welding pool liners correctly

Lesezeit 12 Minuten

In this article, I describe how the new pool liner was laid, glued and welded to the walls and floor of our new pool. The pool steps and the sunbathing area in the water were lined with a special pool liner that makes the surface non-slip.

The new pool in the garden was built with concrete formwork blocks and replaces our old steel wall pool. Before I can lay the liner in the concrete pool, some preparations are necessary.

In this article I will show you every step.


Preparation of the concrete walls

Before the actual installation of the pool liner can begin, there are some important preparations and smaller steps that should not be underestimated.

To begin with, it is advisable to carefully prepare the surface of the pool. This means removing any edges and protrusions from the plastering to ensure an even and smooth surface.

The fleece and the pool liner may conceal some imperfections or humps, but the enormous water pressure will later make many damaged areas visible.

The preparatory work for plastering the pool walls has already been carried out very carefully. Nevertheless, there were a few spots on the walls and on the pool floor that I had to touch up. I first marked the missing areas and then filled them with frost-resistant tile adhesive.

I worked particularly meticulously on the steps and the lying surface. This area is much flatter compared to the pool floor and I suspect that the flaws in the plaster could be seen better here later.

Once the glue had dried, I was able to rub it in again with a sponge to create a consistently smooth surface.

I worked particularly meticulously on the steps and the lying surface. This area is much flatter compared to the pool floor and I suspect that the flaws in the plaster could be seen better here later.



Profi Schwammbrett Putzbrett Reibebrett mit dichtem hochfestem Schaum Spezialschwamm Handwerkerqualität 250 x 130 x 20mm
 Price: € 19.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Inlet nozzles – Spotlight – Skimmer

I had already created the areas around the built-in parts, i.e. the two inlet nozzles, the underwater spotlight and the skimmer, with a slight slope towards the center of the respective wall openings when plastering.

Here too, imperfections in the plaster were carefully reworked.


Later, the structure will look

from the wall will look like this:

  • The masonry feed-through for the inlet nozzle is located in the wall
  • Then comes the inner piece of the inlet nozzle with the rubber, which is screwed in as far as it will go
  • The first rubber gasket is now glued onto the flange from the outside
  • then the pool liner is installed and placed over the opening of the nozzle
  • The second rubber gasket is then glued to the inside of the outer flange
  • Both are now screwed directly through the pool liner to the inner flange
  • The foil is only cut out in the opening afterwards
  • Finally, only the front panel remains to be fitted


The pool liner is finally clamped watertight between the two black rubber seals and fixed in place with the screw connection of the flange. The protective fleece was cut out a little more generously and lies directly around the nozzles but not in the seal.

The pool liner is installed identically on the underwater spotlight and the skimmer. Here too, the foil is sealed by the rubbers and held securely in place by the screws.

the built-in parts should only be installed when the water in the pool is just below the respective openings for the components. This prevents unsightly creases. However, the welder said that it could be done immediately with my foil and the “small” areas.

He was right about that.



Astral Pool Einlaufdüse Multiflow für Folienbecken Poolzubehör Einströmdüse für Schwimmbecken 2 Zoll Außengewinde Ø50mm Klebemuffe Innen
List Price: € 29.99 You Save: € 5.73 (-19%)  Price: € 24.26 (€ 24.26 / Stück) Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Sanding and smoothing edges

Once the pool walls and the pool floor had been rubbed smooth, I could turn my attention to the edge of the pool.

The pool liner is later welded to special angle plates. These plates are mounted in rows on the inside of the pool edge. To do this, the sheets are screwed to the edge of the pool from above.

In addition, a special adhesive is applied between the sheets and the concrete edge. The adhesive fixes the angle sheets in the correct position and seals the edge of the pool against water penetrating from the side.

If water were to flow under the angled sheets at this point, it would collect between the pool liner and the pool edge and form ugly dents.

So that the angle profiles and the adhesive could lie cleanly on the edge of the pool, it also had to be freed of plaster and mortar residue and then smoothed.

I used a cup wheel for this. The diamond-tipped grinding wheel is mounted on the angle grinder and grinds the hard surface of the concrete formwork blocks absolutely cleanly.

I had to be very careful when sanding. As well as protecting my eyes and lungs from the flying stones and the fine grinding dust, the abrasion at the edge of the pool was also extremely high. The entire edge of the pool was sanded smooth within an hour.

I had to deal with another problem on the south side of the pool. There, the welded sheeting from the roof of my pool house protruded onto the formwork stones at the edge of the pool. The bituminous S5 welded membrane was bonded in place at this point, providing reliable protection for my technical building.

I now had to completely remove the welded membrane from the edge of the pool, as bitumen and pool liner are not compatible. The bitumen can permanently damage the pool liner on contact.

Here it was not enough just to sand the edges. Here, the entire upper formwork stone had to be machined from the edge of the pool. Sanding off the bitumen residue in particular took me another hour of work.



BTEC – Twin Speed Diamant Schleiftopf für Beton, Naturstein, Fliesenkleber, Granit, Estrich & Mauerwerk – Topfschleifer Ø 125 mm + Bohrung 22,23 mm – Schleifscheibe doppelreihig für Winkelschleifer
BTEC – Twin Speed Diamant Schleiftopf für Beton, Naturstein, Fliesenkleber, Granit, Estrich & Mauerwerk – Topfschleifer Ø 125 mm + Bohrung 22,23 mm – Schleifscheibe doppelreihig für Winkelschleifer*
  • ANWENDUNGSBEREICHE | BTEC Twin Speed Diamanttopfschleifer eignet sich perfekt für den professionellen Einsatz beim Bearbeiten von Beton, Naturstein, Fliesenkleber, Estrich, Granit, Mauerwerk und Betonerzeugnissen
  • PARALLELE ANORDNUNG | Mit der doppelreihigen Doppelzahn Anordnung sind die Schleifscheiben besonders geeignet für schnelles Abschleifen von dicken Schichten bei trockenen Baustoffen und Gestein. Die Diamant Schleifscheibe verfügt über eine hohe Abtraggeschwindigkeit, hinterlässt ein glattes Schliffbild
  • SCHNELLER & SAUBERER SCHLIFF | Die auf der Topfscheibe zweireihig angeordneten Diamant-Schleifelemente ermöglichen ein präzises und genaues Arbeiten. Dank Belüftungsöffnungen wird der Schleifstaub komfortabel abgeführt
  • FÜR ALLE HANDELSÜBLICHEN WINKELSCHLEIFER | Der Tellerschleifer lässt sich auf allen gängigen Beton- und Winkelschleifern mit M14 Aufnahme montieren. So ist die Diamantscheibe 125mm z.B. auf Geräten von Bosch, Metabo, Makita, Flex, Eibenstock und vielen weiteren einsetzbar
  • PROFI-WERKZEUG | Unsere Diamantwerkzeuge stammen ausschließlich von Qualitätsherstellern, die nach neuesten Fertigungstechniken produzieren. Hochwertig verarbeitete Diamanten sorgen für optimale Schleifergebnisse und eine hohe Standzeit des Schleiftellers
List Price: € 22.95 You Save: € 6.00 (-26%)  Price: € 16.95 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Protective fleece for the pool liner

An additional 400g/m² underlay fleece was installed between the concrete wall and the pool liner.

The fleece reliably protects the foil from damage caused by the concrete wall.

The moisture that collects behind the foil can drain away better through the fleece to the ground where it can run off through the drainage holes I drilled.

The additional fleece also makes the walls a little softer on the surface. When bathing, the difference between the walls and the stairs (where no fleece was installed) is surprisingly noticeable.



Unterlegvlies 30m² Stärke 400g/m²
Unterlegvlies 30m² Stärke 400g/m²*
  • Unterlage für Pool-Folien: Das Pool- und Teichvlies wird unter der Folie angebracht und schützt so die Poolinnenfolie zuverlässig vor Beschädigungen.
  • Qualität: Dank langlebiger Synthetikfasern ist das starke Bodenschutzvlies 100 % verrottungsfest und besteht aus einer 2 m langen Vliesrolle, die sich leicht auch für Rund- und Ovalpools zuschneiden lässt.
  • Lieferumfang: 1 x Unterlegvlies, hochwertiges Pool Zubehör von Paradies Pool.
  • Rutschfester Schutz: Das praktische Vlies kann ebenfalls als Bodenplane zum Unterlegen unter aufblasbare Swimmingpools genutzt werden.
  • Robust: Mit einer Stärke von 400 g pro m² ist das Unterlegvlies ein beständiger Helfer beim Schutz Ihres Pools.
 Price: € 109.98 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Protection from rain and sun

The walls and pool floor should be absolutely dry before installing the pool liner.

As the plaster had already dried well, I now only had the risk of rain. And while we had the best pool weather all week with a warm 30°C, the first rain clouds appeared on the horizon just as the foil was being laid.

The weather forecast predicted very hot and humid weather with heavy rain showers and strong sunshine in the coming days.

So I had to protect the pool from the rainwater and also from too much sunlight. Both are more than detrimental to the laying and welding of the pool liner. So I had to do something to protect the pool.

A tent over the pool not only provides protection from strong sunlight, which could interfere with the work, but also from sudden rain showers, which could delay the installation of the pool liner.

Especially during the sensitive welding process, it is crucial that the working environment remains dry and stable.

As I already owned an 8 x 4 meter party tent, the solution to my problem was already obvious. The tent is waterproof, UV-resistant and offers plenty of space. We erected the pavilion within an hour and placed it over the pool.

Fortunately, we quickly realized that the party tent was very susceptible to the wind at this location, despite being anchored. And since we had to assume that the work would take several days, we quickly removed the posts and just placed the roof on the pool.

Even if it didn’t look like it from the outside, this solution offered enough space for the planned work.



TOOLPORT Hochwertiges Partyzelt 4x6 m Pavillon Zelt PE Plane 450 N Gartenzelt Festzelt Wasserdicht weiß
TOOLPORT Hochwertiges Partyzelt 4x6 m Pavillon Zelt PE Plane 450 N Gartenzelt Festzelt Wasserdicht weiß*
  • DAS IDEALE PARTYZELT: Ein Komplettset aus dem Hause TOOLPORT. Mit diesem Zelt schaffen Sie den idealen Platz für jede Art von gelegentlicher Feier - ob Familienfest oder Grillabend mit Freunden!
  • HOCHWERTIGE PLANE: Die Dachplanen dieses Zeltes sind aus PE Material verarbeitet. Reißkraft der Plane 450 N*. Die Dachplane besteht aus einem Stück - ein wichtiges Kriterium für zusätzliche Stabilität. Durchgehende Seitenteile – für eine schnelle Montage.
  • VOLLVERZINKTES STAHL-GESTÄNGE: In diesem Markenzelt werden ausschließlich ca. 38mm starke, vollverzinkte Stahlrohre verwendet. Die Verbinder verfügen über einen Durchmesser von ca. 42mm. Stabile, unempfindliche Verbindung der Konstruktionselemente durch eine durchgesteckte Verschraubung.
  • ALLES DABEI EINFACHER AUFBAU: Im Lieferumfang sind auch Erdnägel und Abspannseile zur sicheren Befestigung am Boden natürlich genauso enthalten wie eine deutsche Montageanleitung. Somit ist der schnelle & einfache Aufbau Ihres Festzeltes schnell ermöglicht.
  • IN KÜRZE: Partyzelt Pavillon Gartenzelt inklusive Stahlkonstruktion, Dachplane, Seitenteilen, Giebelteilen mit Eingängen, Abspannseilen, Erdnägeln und Montageanleitung.
 Price: € 445.00 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Pool liner welding


Once the preparations were complete, the exciting part followed: the installation of the pool liner. Precision and care are required to achieve a perfect result.

I have decided not to do this work myself. Instead, I relied on a professional team of two experienced pool builders.

First, the long angle plates were attached to the upper edge of the pool and firmly glued and screwed to the substrate. The pool liner was spot-welded to these rails.

One of the pool builders held the liner in place at the top of the edge, while the other pool builder attached the liner to the angle plate using a hot air welder and a hand pressure roller. The pool liner is folded over at the top around the edge to the outside of the sheet.

Once the foil was fixed to the wall, it was welded over the entire length. The foil glued to the top of the pool edge hangs relatively tightly into the pool due to its own weight.

In this way, all the walls were first lined with the foil.

The pool liner for the walls of the steps and the sunbathing area was first cut to size and then also glued to the upper edge. However, no angled sheets were used here. Instead, the concrete was treated with a special primer beforehand.

Cutting, adjusting and gluing the pool liner at the corners and edges, especially at the steps, then took considerably longer. Here, the foil was cut during the welding process, folded over and bonded under strong pressure.

For more details, I recommend my video:
Pool conversion – Laying, gluing and welding pool liner

Once all the walls were covered with the pool liner, the individual segments were welded together at the corners.

The film was first cleaned with a special liquid. They were then glued together with an overlap of an estimated five centimeters. This was also done with the welding gun and quite high contact pressure with the hand roller.

Visually, the foil bag created in this way appeared somewhat smaller than the pool basin. However, the water pressure later presses the film into the corners.



Steinel Heißluftgebläse HG 2220 E, 2200 W Profi Heißluft-Stabgerät, 80-630°C, 150-500 l/min, Feinstaubfilter, 3 m Kabel
Steinel Heißluftgebläse HG 2220 E, 2200 W Profi Heißluft-Stabgerät, 80-630°C, 150-500 l/min, Feinstaubfilter, 3 m Kabel*
by Steinel
  • Leichtes Profi-Heissluftgebläse stufenloser Temperatureinstellung bis 630°C mit 80° Kaltstufe und regelbarer 2-Stufen-Regulierung der Luftmenge 150-500 l/min
  • Elektronische Regelung und Feinstaubfilter schützen den Heißluftfön vor Hitzerückstau und sorgen für eine lange Lebensdauer des Bürsten-Motors von ca. 750 h
  • Angenehmes Arbeiten durch ergonomischen Softgriff, rutschfeste Standfläche und geringes Gewicht des Profi-Heißluftföns
  • Dank Stabform ideal für zum Schweißen von Planen und Dachfolie, Kunststoff verformen, Kabel schrumpfen und Farbe entfernen
  • Lieferung des Heizstabs mit austauschbarem 3 m Netzkabel, integriertem Feinstaubfilter (Baustellen-tauglich) und Bedienungsanleitung
List Price: € 184.45 You Save: € 69.46 (-38%)  Price: € 114.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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The outer walls of the pool, the steps and the sunbathing platform were now completely covered with the welded pool liner. Only now should the bottom of the pool follow.

A slightly rougher, textured white pool liner was selected for the steps and the sunbathing area. In addition to the visual demarcation from the blue foil on the walls and the large pool floor, the aim was to reduce the risk of slipping.

The film was cut to the final size in advance and applied to the relevant areas. As the blue foil from the side walls was folded over a good ten centimeters onto the adjacent floor surfaces and glued down, an overlap was created.

The floor foil was therefore about seven centimeters above the wall foil. After cleaning, the two films were also welded together at precisely these transitions. Visually, this resulted in a white background with a blue border.

Now the large pelvic floor was still missing. This should be laid last and glued to the walls.

After I had thoroughly cleaned the concrete floor again with a vacuum cleaner, the underlay fleece was also laid here first. As the fleece was narrower than the pool, two lanes were laid out, each flush with the edge of the pool.

In the middle, a cut was then made through both layers with a cutter knife. With this technique, the fleece lies in the perfect position and there are no unsightly overlaps. You would definitely see them later.

The blue pool liner has now also been laid flush with the edges of the pool on the fleece. However, a ten-centimeter overlap was created in the middle between the two sheets for bonding.

The overlaps were now cleaned, treated with the primer and then welded. A small self-propelled welding robot was then used for this purpose.

The robot travels on the overlap of the films. Due to its design, the upper foil is lifted slightly and heated with an integrated welding gun. The high weight and the roller-like wheels then press the two films together and bond them securely.


Yosoo Handdruckrolle, Silikon-Presser, Schweißwerkzeug, hochtemperaturbeständig, 40 mm
Yosoo Handdruckrolle, Silikon-Presser, Schweißwerkzeug, hochtemperaturbeständig, 40 mm*
by Yosoo
  • 【Hochwertige Materialien】Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Silikon, stabil und flexibel, langlebig
  • 【Hohe Temperatur】 Hält hohen Temperaturen stand (bis zu 260 ° C)
  • Geeignet für: Perfekt für Hochtemperaturschweißen
  • Angemessenes Design: Griff aus hochwertigem Holz, einfach und angenehm zu tragen
  • 【Angemessenes Design】Zwei-Wege-Lager-Design, verbessert effektiv die Schweißgeschwindigkeit
List Price: € 21.51 You Save: € 4.24 (-20%)  Price: € 17.27 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Video: Laying, gluing and welding pool liners

I filmed the installation of the pool liner in my new concrete pool and published it in an exciting and informative video.

Here you can find my playlist with more videos: Project Pool

If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.


Abonniere COMMAIK auf YouTube


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Pool liner cold welding

The new foil bag was now complete. The pool liner why glued to the edge of the pool all the way around the angled sheets. The blue pool liner was welded together at the corners and edges and the floor surfaces were glued to the wall surfaces.

Basically, our pool in the garden was now ready to be filled with water.

However, the experienced pool builder attaches great importance to the quality of her work and additionally sealed the weld seams of the individual foil overlaps.

For this purpose, a special cold welding agent was applied between the edges of the overlaps using a small brush. The agent dissolves the two films a little for a short time, so that both films merge into one film.

At the edges where the pool liner was glued with the hand welding gun, there were only slight protrusions.

However, there was an unwelded strip a good five millimeters wide on the floor where the robot had done the welding. This was now also bonded by cold welding.

The pool was ready for use immediately after cold welding.



1 Dose 800gr. Köratac Kaltschweißmittel zum Verkleben von Weich-PVC-Folien
 Price: € 26.00 (€ 32.50 / KG) Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Pool liner – hot air welding or cold bonding?

When installing the pool liner in my garden pool, I used both hot air welding and the cold bonding method to meet different requirements.

These two methods complement each other in their application and each offer specific advantages.

Hot-air welding was primarily used to join the pool liner to the walls and floor. In this process, the film is heated using a hot air blower and then bonded together under pressure.

The main advantage of this method is the creation of a very strong, water-impermeable seam, which ensures the longevity of the pool.

One disadvantage, however, is the need for special equipment and technical knowledge to achieve a consistent result.


The cold bonding process was primarily used for reworking and sealing the weld seams. A special adhesive is applied that chemically bonds the films together without heating.

The advantage of this method lies in its ease of use and the ability to effectively touch up minor defects.

The disadvantage is that the joint may be less resilient compared to hot air welding.


The combination of both processes offered the ideal solution for my project.

Hot air welding gave the pool liner a high level of basic stability, while the cold bonding process enabled me to carry out detailed work with precision and ensure the pool was watertight in all areas.


Steinel Heißluftgebläse HG 2420 E im Koffer, Profi Heißluftpistole, Stabgerät, 650°C|500 l/min, Feinstaubfilter, 2200 W
Steinel Heißluftgebläse HG 2420 E im Koffer, Profi Heißluftpistole, Stabgerät, 650°C|500 l/min, Feinstaubfilter, 2200 W*
by Steinel
  • Leichtes Profi-Heissluftgebläse stufenloser Temperatureinstellung bis 650°C mit 80° Kaltstufe und regelbarer 2-Stufen-Regulierung der Luftmenge 150-400 l/min
  • Elektronische Regelung und Feinstaubfilter schützen den Heißluftfön vor Hitzerückstau und sorgen für eine lange Lebensdauer des Bürsten-Motors von ca. 1000 h
  • Angenehmes Arbeiten durch ergonomischen Softgriff, rutschfeste Standfläche und geringes Gewicht des Profi-Heißluftföns
  • Dank Stabform ideal für zum Schweißen von Planen und Dachfolie, Kunststoff verformen, Kabel schrumpfen und Farbe entfernen
  • Lieferung des Heizstabs mit austauschbarem 3 m Netzkabel, integriertem Feinstaubfilter (Baustellen-tauglich) und Bedienungsanleitung
List Price: € 224.91 You Save: € 64.92 (-29%)  Price: € 159.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Water for the new pool

The time had finally come. After several months of construction, our new pool could finally be filled with water.

The pool was filled bit by bit with a water hose until the skimmer was halfway in the water.

I then marked the water level in the skimmer with a waterproof pen. Over the next few days, I was able to use my marker to check whether the pool was tight or whether it was leaking water.

It was and is absolutely tight!

For the start of the swimming season, all I had to do now was install the underwater spotlight and fit the covers to the skimmer and the two inlet nozzles.

To prevent splash water or rain and snow from running under the angle sheets behind the pool liner, I additionally sealed the sheets from the outside with UV-stable silicone.

Now everything was perfect and we could devote ourselves to planning the construction of a beautiful pool terrace.



OTTOSEAL S 18 Schwimmbad-Silikon 310 ml Kartusche C00 transparent
OTTOSEAL S 18 Schwimmbad-Silikon 310 ml Kartusche C00 transparent*
by Hermann Otto GmbH
  • Chlorwasserbeständig
  • Sehr sicher gegen Schimmel
  • Sehr langlebige Fuge
 Price: € 15.30 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Summary and conclusion

In the blog post about my project, I described the installation of a new pool liner in our newly built garden pool.

The focus here was on the professional laying, bonding and welding of the liner to the walls and floor of the pool, including the pool steps and the sunbathing area. The aim was to create a durable and non-slip coating.

The preparatory measures included carefully smoothing the concrete surfaces to ensure an optimum base for the pool liner.

Particular attention was paid to the built-in parts such as inlet nozzles, underwater spotlights and skimmers, which were precisely fitted to ensure a watertight connection.

Once the surfaces had been prepared, the pool liner was installed. A special liner was used for areas requiring high slip resistance, while the rest of the pool was lined with a standard blue liner.

The film was fixed and sealed to both the walls and the floor using a hot-air welding process and a welding robot for the floor area. In addition, a cold welding process was used to ensure a complete seal.

The successful filling of the pool confirmed the tightness of the system. Finally, the necessary installations such as underwater spotlights and skimmer covers were completed.

Once this project was completed, the pool was ready for use and the design of the surrounding pool terrace could begin.



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badelaune Profi Pooleinbauteile Set Skimmer Mauerdurchführung Einlaufdüse bis 30m³ Fluidra*
  • badelaune Profi Pool Armaturen Set Skimmer Wanddurchführung Einlaufdüse bis 30m³ Fluidra
  • Badestimmung
 Price: € 590.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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My name is Maik and I have been writing this construction diary since 2008. In addition to my family and job, the expansion and renovation of our art nouveau villa is an important part of my life. Here in the blog I share my experiences. Attention: Some of the linked products are affiliate links. If you order the products through the links, I will be supported with a commission. This has no effect on your price.

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