Cleaning WPC decking boards with high pressure
Our WPC decking is now in its 3rd year and still looks great – and there are no haptic defects either. The floorboards are still splinter-free and undamaged. Only the green algae coating on the shady parts of the terrace was a nuisance during my tour in spring.
Last spring, I had already sprayed the WPC decking with my Kärcher high-pressure cleaner and removed the dirt and algae deposits. It worked, but it left these ugly streaks on the wood.
Kärcher power scrubber for decking boards?
To avoid streaking in my yard this year, I researched various forums and came across the Kärcher power scrubber.
This scrubbing brush, which is much more than an ordinary broom, can be easily connected to an existing high-pressure cleaning device.
The three nozzles on its underside powerfully spray the dirt away, while the hard nylon bristles effectively remove the dirt with every sweeping movement.
I found the rubber lip on the back of the scrubber particularly practical, which makes it easy to remove water from smooth surfaces.
Encouraged by numerous positive reviews, I decided to order the scrubber.
As soon as I received it, I used it for the first time yesterday and was impressed by the performance and efficiency with which it cleaned the yard.
- Drei integrierte Hochdruckdüsen für die schnelle und einfache Reinigung von hartnäckigem Schmutz auf kleinen bis mittelgroßen Flächen und Treppen
- Perfekte spritzfreie Reinigung aller Ecken und Kanten dank schwenkbarer
- Seitendüse und Borstenring als Spritzwasserschutz Der 360 Grad drehbare
- Bürstenkopf sorgt für volle Flexibilität – auch bei schwer erreichbaren Stellen
- Lieferumfang: Flächenreiniger PS 30 Plus Powerschrubber, kompatibel mit allen Kärcher Hochdruckreinigern K 2 bis K 7
Installing decking brooms
The Kärcher broom reached me in three individual parts by post. Assembly was quick and uncomplicated, without any tools.
The connection with the handle gun of my Kärcher high-pressure cleaner took some getting used to at first. I had to snap the bar into place, similar to other accessories, and then tighten a stabilizer towards the handle.
However, this step was neither difficult nor complicated.
Once I had supplied the Kärcher high-pressure cleaner with water and electricity, I was able to start the cleaning work.
I was thrilled from the very first moments. The combination of the bristles and the three water jets cleaned my WPC decking boards extremely effectively without leaving streaks, shadows or spray marks.
To my surprise, the floorboards were much dirtier than I had expected.
I took some photos after cleaning to document the impressive difference. The change was particularly noticeable at the edge of the terrace.
- NEU - Entdecken Sie mit der Home & Garden App wertvolle Kärcher-Experten-Tipps wie den richtigen Druck für Ihre Reinigungsaufgabe - individuell abgestimmt auf Ihr Gerät
- NEU - So clever war Reinigen noch nie. Via Bluetooth lässt sich im Handumdrehen der richtige Druck für jede Reinigungsaufgabe von der App auf Ihr Gerät übertragen - für das optimale Reinigungsergebnis
- Extra Power durch Extra Boost - Selbst hartnäckiger, festsitzender Schmutz wird mit dem Boost-Mode im Handumdrehen gelöst; Aktiviert über Pistole oder App, schaltet er 15 bar zusätzlich frei
- Die leistungsstarke Lösung - Vielfältigen Reinigungsaufgaben an Fahrzeugen, Gartengeräten, Balkon- und Gartenmöbeln, Zäunen und Wegen, Treppen und Steinmauern begegnet der K 5 gelassen und mühelos
- Lieferumfang: Hochdruckreiniger mit 180 Q Smart Control-Pistole, 3-in-1-Multi Jet-Strahlrohr, Home-Kit (Flächenreiniger T 5, Stein- und Fassadenreiniger 3-in-1 1 l), 10 m Hochdruckschlauch
Cleaning decking boards with the Kärcher – disadvantages
The cleaning result of the Kärcher power scrubber convinced me at first glance, but I did notice some disadvantages.
The scrubber could not clean right up to the wall, but left a gap of about 5-10 cm. This forced me to change the direction of the sweeping movement more often or to clean the affected areas, such as the small wall, in other ways, which proved to be difficult.
I also realized that the scrubber was too small for my height of 185 cm, which led to a stooped and after a while uncomfortable posture. I would have liked Kärcher to have produced a version that was about 20 cm longer.
Another disadvantage was that my shoes (and socks) got wet, although there was hardly any splashing water as the water jet starts inside the bristles. Nevertheless, my feet were exposed to the water during the typical sweeping movements.
As a solution, I recommend choosing appropriate footwear such as rubber boots or the option of going barefoot.
Overall, I give the appliance 4 out of 5 points.
It is interesting to note that I did not use any chemicals at all. Although the Kärcher allows cleaning agents to be added to the water, I stuck to my decision to clean the WPC decking boards without chemical cleaning agents.
However, if I decide to use cleaning products in the future, I will share my experiences with them.
- SPEZIAL WPC ÖL – Remmers WPC-Imprägnier-Öl ist optimal für die Anwendung auf WPC-Oberflächen, auf Bambus oder Resysta geeignet.
- WASSER- UND SCHMUTZABWEISEND – Mit diesem WPC Öl gepflegte Gartenmöbel oder Terrassen erhalten wasserabweisende Eigenschaften und sind öl-, fett- und schmutzabweisend.
- VIELE ANWENDUNGSMÖGLICHKEITEN – Dieses WPC Öl kann innen und außen verwendet werden, für Gartenmöbel, Terrassen, Zäune, Fachwerk, Carports uvm.
- EINFACHE VERARBEITUNG – Das WPC Öl einfach mit dem Pinsel oder einem Baumwolltuch auftragen und trocknen lassen. Bereits nach 4-6 Stunden kann das Ergebnis begutachtet und ggf. ein zweiter Anstrich vorgenommen werden.
- MADE IN GERMANY - Nach höchsten Sicherheits- und Qualitätsstandards in Deutschland produziert und abgefüllt.
Risks associated with high-pressure cleaning of WPC decking boards
Using the pressure washer enabled me to remove dirt and algae quickly without having to put in a lot of physical effort.
However, during my research I quickly discovered that using a high-pressure cleaner on WPC materials also carries risks.
The strong force of the water jet can roughen the surface of the planks and impair their aesthetics. This not only leads to an unsightly appearance, but can also encourage dirt to adhere.
There is also a risk of water penetrating the material joints and damaging the floorboards from the inside, which can significantly affect their longevity.
To minimize these risks, I adapted the cleaning method accordingly. I took care to reduce the water pressure to a level suitable for WPC boards and to keep the jet at a safe distance so as not to damage the surface.
Cleaning WPC decking boards with the T-Racer
In view of the disadvantages, especially the unhealthy posture, that I experienced when cleaning my WPC decking with the power scrubber, I set out to find a better solution to my problem.
After some time, I came across the T-Racer from Kärcher, a device that is also connected to a high-pressure cleaner to remove dirt from decking boards.
In my experience, the T-Racer delivered a better cleaning result than the power scrubber.
Handling proved to be easier and more comfortable, even for a tall person like me.
I have recorded my detailed assessment and my conclusion on patio cleaning with the T-Racer in spring 2015 in an article that you are welcome to read.
- Kompatibel mit Hochdruckreiniger der Klassen K 4 bis K 7
- Effiziente Reinigung von großen Flächen durch zwei rotierende Flachstrahldüsen, deren Abstand zum Untergrund variabel eingestellt werden kann
- Einfaches Arbeiten - durch den Druck der Düsen auf den Untergrund, wird der T 7 Plus leicht nach oben gedrückt und schwebt über den Boden
- Anwendungsgebiete: Reinigung von Ecken- und Kanten, größere Stein- oder Holzterassen, Einfahrten, Garagentore und Fassaden
- Lieferumfang: Flächenreiniger T 7 Plus T-Racer mit Verlängerungsrohr
Video – Comparison of tiller vs. scrubber vs. T-Racer
I have cleaned my WPC decking and also my BPC decking with a high-pressure cleaner in the past. In addition to the power scrubber and the T-Racer, I also tried out the normal dirt blower.
In my comparison of the three systems, the T-Racer convinced me the most. You can also find my video WPC patio cleaning – comparison of Kärcher tiller vs. scrubber vs. T-Racer in my playlist Test | Experience | Conclusion.
If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.
- Behälter mit 0,6l Volumen für längere Reinigungsphasen ohne Nachfüllen
- Mühelose Reinigung sämtlicher Oberflächen
- Transparenter Reinigungsmittelbehälter, wodurch der Inhalt jederzeit sichtbar ist
- Anwendungsgebiete: Reinigung von Fahrzeugen, Wintergärten, Motorrädern, Fahrradrädern, Terassen, Rolläden, Jalousien, Einfahrten, Mauern und Wohnwägen
- Lieferumfang: FJ 6 Schaumdüse
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