Betonfundament im Garten bauen–Gartenkueche–Tierhaus Voliere 10 YT - Build your own concrete foundation for garden kitchen and garden shed

Build your own concrete foundation for garden kitchen and garden shed

Lesezeit 7 Minuten

For over 6 months I have been planning the construction of the new garden kitchen and the Small animal house. But without concrete foundation I can not build a house in the garden. Now came kort-term the promise, that theeton foundation finallyh can be built on the two plateaus in the garden.

I have already prepared the ground so that the outdoor kitchen and the outdoor aviary can be built safely and stably on the slope in our garden.

In this post, I’ll tell you exactly what I’ve already done and what else I had to consider when building the solid foundation.

Why do I needWhy do I need a concrete foundation in the garden?garden?

Due to the slope of my GI have created several levels or plateaus in order tohe garden area to be able to use the garden area optimally. On the south side of the house was already many years ago a 30 square meter plateau was built into the slope.built.

For this I have aringanchor with gabions, so Stone baskets, built. The area within the Rings I had filled with soil and compacted.
On the southeast side, right next to the gabion plateau, there was a slope until a few years ago. slope.

This slope zoThis slope extended over a length of a good 40 meters to the Eing in the north. Also Thisslope was with a massive gabion wall enclosed and filled in.

Partly the Gabion wall is 2 mmeters high and thus forms a nice platform above the underlying surface below.

Although I compacted the backfilled soil in layers with my vibratory plate, I did notplate, but the is really stable and load-bearing.this subsoilround.

So that my new massive garden kitchen but also the new animal house and the bird aviary do not the subsoil with a massive concrete massive concrete foundation stabilisiert be stabilized.



Gabionen 1000 x 1000 x 500 x 4,5 mm, Steinkorb Gabionenkorb enge Front
Gabionen 1000 x 1000 x 500 x 4,5 mm, Steinkorb Gabionenkorb enge Front*
by Drahtwaren Driller GmbH
  • Gabionenkorb * Breite 1000 mm * Höhe 1000 mm * Tiefe 500 mm
  • Frontgittergröße 1000 x 1000 mm * Maschenweite 50 x 100 mm * Drahtstärke 4,5 mm
  • Maschenweite der restlichen Gitter 100 x 100 mm * Drahtstärke 4,5 mm
  • Verbindungsart * Spiralverbindung
  • Ausführung Galfan (95% Zink, 5% Alu)
 Price: € 60.08 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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What is important during Construction of a concrete foundation in thegarden to pay attention to?

You can actually build a solid concrete foundation directly in in an excavated area create. The concrete hardens and the surface is hard and stable. In the long term, this procedure, however, can lead to problems.

If the concrete foundation comes into permanent contact with the contact with the ground, the moisture from the soil migrate into the concrete. In water can freeze under the foundation and lift or shift the floor slab. shift.

Good frost protection is therefore recommended.

Furthermore, the planned Foundations with their surface of some exposure to the environment. In the summer dhe direct sunlight the foundation Heat strongly. The Concrete would sexpand and in the crack in the worst case.

Moisture would penetrate through the cracks and damage the foundation by further harm the formation of ice in winter. To protect the foundation should ae good reinforcement be installed. Also special expansion jointen can provide a remedy here.



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Concrete fundament for thePrepare kitchen

The garden kitchen is to be located on der area directlyly be built right next to the pool. The surfaces should seamlessly with each other and should match the level of the adjacent walkways. sidewalks.

Since I later still terrace boards odeor flagstones later, the Surface of the newn Concrete foundations a good 5cm under the later finished level lie. The plateau was after a good 10 years relativly firmly sunk, but still too high for my plans.

Therefore, the upper area was excavated by a good 50cm
shaved off
The excavated material was moved with a shovel and wheelbarrow at another place of the property temporarily stored.

Go to Protection from frost were well gut 15 cubic meters of crushed stone (032) installed in layers and with the Rvibratory plate condensed. Total thus arose good 50cm hough frost protection layer.

Form installation of the froprotection I have I already laid the lines and pipes that would later be required in the ballast bed. For this I have 2 KG pipes on the west side and one KG pipe on the east side.n dug. These tubes I will later use as empty pipes.

Furthermore, a 25 water pipe was also laid and 2 Electric Empty Tubes. In this way I can later use the Kitchen with electrics, Networkwater and Sewage supply.



KNIPEX Bolzenschneider mit Mehrkomponenten-Hüllen 610 mm 71 72 610
KNIPEX Bolzenschneider mit Mehrkomponenten-Hüllen 610 mm 71 72 610*
by Bosch Professional
  • Schneidleistung bis 48 HRC Härte
  • Robuste Schneiden zusätzlich induktiv gehärtet, Schneidenhärte ca. 62 HRC
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  • Schenkel ergonomisch abgewinkelt für ermüdungsarmes Arbeiten
List Price: € 123.52 You Save: € 30.58 (-25%)  Price: € 92.94 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Building formwork for concrete foundation with concrete shelves

To ensure that the liquid concrete stayed where it was supposed to, the sides had to be be shuttered, of course. On the gabion plateau, however, this was not so easy.

The subsoil consisted of a solid layer of gravel and on the sides was everything open. With Except for the sidewalk on the north side nowhere could fix the formwork boards.

The solution The solution was as ingenious as it was simple: a ring, or better said a ring, was placed on the edge in front of the a U, made of solid concreterten drawn. These braids were set concrete and aligned. Now lacked only the reinforcement.

So that the concrete not dry out too quickly on the one hand, and on the other hand through the frost protection, a film was applied to the surface of thefoil was spread over the spread.

On the foil spacers were then laid out and the first layer of reinforcing mesh installed. The KG Pipes and the water pipes were carefully cut out with the bolt cutter.ted.

Subsequently was a further spacer twisted with the reinforcement mesh before a 2 layer was installed. The
Preparations were thus ready and the concrete pump could get started.


Heimfleiss® Draht Driller Drillapparat mit aut. Rücklauf - Universal Drahtbinder Rödelzange für Zaunbau, Gärtner und Floristen - Bindedraht Rödler Twister für Blumendraht, Wickeldraht & Floristendraht
Heimfleiss® Draht Driller Drillapparat mit aut. Rücklauf - Universal Drahtbinder Rödelzange für Zaunbau, Gärtner und Floristen - Bindedraht Rödler Twister für Blumendraht, Wickeldraht & Floristendraht*
by Heimfleiss
  • Hochwertiges Profi-Werkzeug - Unser Drillapparat besteht aus robustem Carbonstahl und verfügt über einen mechanisch verstärkten Drahtdreher-Binder-Haken. Der ergonomische, rutschfeste PVC-Griff sorgt für optimalen Halt und Komfort bei jeder Anwendung.
  • Langlebig und effizient - Dank des integrierten Stoßdämpfer-Moduls wird Verschleiß effektiv reduziert. Die mit einer speziellen Legierung überzogene Carbonspindel gewährleistet eine dauerhaft leichtgängige und zuverlässige Nutzung Ihres Drahtdrillers.
  • Einfache Handhabung - Legen Sie den Draht um die Elemente, stecken Sie den Drahtdreher durch die Verschluss-Ösen und verdrillen Sie ihn mit 1-3 kurzen Zügen. Sparen Sie Zeit und Mühe gegenüber herkömmlichen Methoden wie Drahtzwirbelzangen oder Drehzangen.
  • Vielseitig einsetzbar - Ideal für Floristen, Gärtner und Heimwerker. Nutzen Sie den Drillapparat als Eisenflechterzange im Bau, als Rödler-Apparat beim Zaunbau oder als Drahtsackverschluss. Perfekt geeignet für Drilldraht, Rödeldraht und diverse Bindedrähte.
  • Ergonomisches Design - Der speziell geformte Griff liegt bequem in der Hand und reduziert Ermüdungserscheinungen bei längerem Gebrauch. Die hochwertige Verarbeitung und das durchdachte Design machen den Drillapparat zum unverzichtbaren Werkzeug in Ihrem Alltag.
 Price: € 19.95 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Video: Concrete foundation in the gardenbuild your own garden

Of course, I captured the construction of the concrete foundation on camera and created an exciting Video shot. In my Youtubechannel you can find the complete playlistcomplete playlist for the construction of my Gkitchen and the garden shed.

If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.


Abonniere COMMAIK auf YouTube

Betonbindedraht Drilldraht einfach 1000 Stück Bund 120 x 1,4 mm Betondraht Drillbinder
List Price: € 28.85 You Save: € 4.95 (-17%)  Price: € 23.90 (€ 0.02 / stück) Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 28. February 2025 um 10:31 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.


Concrete fundament for the Ggardenhouse prepare

The effort for the new Garden house should not be quite so time-consuming. The area above my gabion wall had settled for 2 years and was beready relatively level.

I have the size of the future concrete footingfoundation and defined this area.ereich to approx. 60 to 80 cm depth completely out of cofferdam.

Then I have the later position for the garden house bestimmt and an electric conduit was inserted in such a way that it would later emerge from the concrete foundation exactly from the concrete foundation.ent.

Starting from the sidewalk I have now formwork with 25cm high formworkttern built in the format 4×4 meters. The formwork boards were all installed in balance.

Herehave normal wooden slats from theaunbau into the ground and the boards on it from the outside (!) screwed together. The corners were mit angle plates also from the outside (!) screwed together.

Now a weed fleece was from the outside to thealboards and the the area from the outside filled with the excavated material.

Parallel to thisinside my formwork of my formwork the ballast (032) layer by layer up to the lower edge of the of the formwork boards and compacted.

The soil on the outside of the boards should stabilize the form finally dthe liquid concrete pushes against the boards with an enormous force when it is poured.
Shuttering boards. Here, too, a foil was now laid out and the spacers placed.

Then followed the first reinforcement mat, the second spacer and finally Finally the second mat.



Xabian Anti Unkrautvlies 150g/m² Gartenvlies Rolle 50m x 1m = 50m² I Unkrautfolie sehr hohe UV-Stabilisierung - extrem reißfest und wasserdurchlässig
Xabian Anti Unkrautvlies 150g/m² Gartenvlies Rolle 50m x 1m = 50m² I Unkrautfolie sehr hohe UV-Stabilisierung - extrem reißfest und wasserdurchlässig*
by Xabian
  • KEIN UNKRAUT PFLÜCKEN MEHR - Mit dem hochwertigen Filtervlies von Xabian sparen Sie sich eine Menge Arbeit! Lästiges Pflücken von Unkraut gehört der Vergangenheit an! Pflanzen wachsen Dank dieser Unkrautschutzfolie von nun an dort, wo Sie es möchten!
  • INNOVATIVES MATERIAL - Unser Unkrautschutzvlies für Pflanzen ist besonders atmungsaktiv, reißfest und wasserdurchlässig! Die schwarze Farbe des Bodenvlies heizt den Unkraut Vlies bei Sonneneinstrahlung auf und speichert die Wärme und Feuchtigkeit!
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  • WITTERUNGSBESTÄNDIG - Dieses Vlies besteht aus hochwertigstem Polypropylen & ist dadurch absolut witterungsbeständig. Starke UV-Strahlen oder Regen und Feuchtigkeit können dem Bodenvlies nichts anhaben. Dieses Unterbodengewebe bleibt beständig!
  • 30-TAGE-RÜCKGABERECHT - Sie sind nicht zu 100% mit unserer Mulchfolie zufrieden? Dann schicken Sie das Vlies kostenlos zurück und Sie erhalten ohne Wenn und Aber Ihr Geld zurück. Ganz ohne Risiko! Unternehmenssitz in Deutschland.
 Price: € 64.97 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Pouring the foundation with the concrete pump

A few days later, the time had come. A mobile concrete pump was already waiting in my driveway on the big concrete mixer that delivered the much-awaited goods. The truck with the mixing drum filled the relatively liquid concrete first into the concrete pump.

From here it went over an approx. 30m long hose into the Garden. The concrete was now poured into the formwork poured and then smoothly buffed. Due to the Amount of concrete, the truck had to make another trip to the concrete to the concrete plant to reload fresh concrete.

But after a good 3h it was done and the both surfaces were filled with concrete and levelled.

So that the sun did not dry out the concrete too dried out too quickly, thus reducing the risk of crackformation existedthe entire surface was covered with a covered with a film and every 30 minutes with the garden hose watered.

The next day we could already walk on the concrete and start the preparations for the construction of the garden kitchen and the gazebo could start.



Scheppach Benzin Rüttelplatte HP2300S Verdichter Rüttler Vibrationsplatte | 5,6 PS Leistung | 23 kN Verdichtungsdruck | 35cm Verdichtungstiefe | Komplettset inkl. Gummimatte und Fahrvorrichtung
Scheppach Benzin Rüttelplatte HP2300S Verdichter Rüttler Vibrationsplatte | 5,6 PS Leistung | 23 kN Verdichtungsdruck | 35cm Verdichtungstiefe | Komplettset inkl. Gummimatte und Fahrvorrichtung*
by Scheppach
  • Plattengröße: 540 x 420 mm / Hohe Vorlaufgeschwindigkeit – zur Erhöhung der Arbeitsleistung
  • Verdichtungsdruck: 23000 N / Leistungsstarker 5,6 PS Motor
  • Inklusive Fahrvorrichtung, zum Transport auch durch eine Person
  • Inklusive schwarzer Gummimatte für Pflasterarbeiten
  • Automatischer Vorlauf – erlaubt dem Anwender dennoch problemlosen Eingriff in die Bewegungsrichtung
 Price: € 479.90 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 27. February 2025 um 20:00 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.


Summary and conclusion

I have been planning and working on the construction of a new garden kitchen and a small animal house for over six months.

A stable concrete foundation is essential for any garden shed, so I was relieved when I finally received confirmation that the foundation could be built on the two plateaus in the garden.

A concrete foundation is essential to stabilize the structure of the garden shed on the sloping plot.

The south side of my house already has a 30-square-meter plateau that was built many years ago and is supported by gabions. Another slope was also stabilized and now offers a flat surface.

Despite the compaction of the backfilled earth using a vibrating plate, the subsoil was not sufficiently stable for the planned solid garden kitchen and the other structures.

The challenge when building a concrete foundation in the garden is to protect it from moisture and the effects of the weather, which could damage the material.

Frost in particular can cause problems if water gets under the foundation and freezes. Effective frost protection and a well thought-out design with reinforcement and expansion joints are essential to prevent long-term damage.

The preparation of the concrete foundation for the garden kitchen required extensive earthworks. The surface of the foundation was deliberately planned 5 cm below the later finished level so that decking boards or stone slabs could be embedded.

In addition, important supply lines for the garden kitchen and the animal house, such as the water and electrical lines, were prepared.

For the actual pouring of the concrete, the side areas were marked out with concrete boards and covered with a film to protect the concrete from direct contact with the substrate. The reinforcement was carefully installed to strengthen the structure.



DUPLI-COLOR 119590 Markierungsspray neonpink 500ml
DUPLI-COLOR 119590 Markierungsspray neonpink 500ml*
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  • Inhalt (ml): 500
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 Price: € 5.19 (€ 10.38 / l) Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 28. February 2025 um 10:30 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.



Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: English Deutsch

My name is Maik and I have been writing this construction diary since 2008. In addition to my family and job, the expansion and renovation of our art nouveau villa is an important part of my life. Here in the blog I share my experiences. Attention: Some of the linked products are affiliate links. If you order the products through the links, I will be supported with a commission. This has no effect on your price.

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