Napoleon PHANTOM P500 – Unboxing | Assembly | Burn-in
With the Napoleon PHANTOM P500, the centerpiece of my new garden kitchen has finally arrived. The gas grill should be firmly installed in the work area and prepare everything from juicy steak to crispy pizza.
Until I’ve finished building the new outdoor kitchen, I’m going to set up the barbecue, burn it in and test it extensively.
In this article you can find out more about unboxing, assembling and baking the Napoleon PHANTOM P500. I will also report on the first test results.
A gas grill for outdoor kitchen
My first garden kitchen is already getting on in years. The kitchen offers a sink and electric supply as well as a built-in grill. As a Thuringian, it was clear at the time that this could only be a charcoal grill.
I therefore opted for a built-in model from Thüros. In conjunction with the matching skewer attachment, the windbreak, the swivel hood and the warming grate, I had a great prerequisite to conjure up the most amazing grilled dishes.
Unfortunately, however, the options were limited. The grill surface was 42 x 42 cm, which was sufficient for 4 people. However, there was not enough space to conjure up a proper menu.
And so I often had to set up a second grill for side dishes or as a warming rack. So the new grill definitely had to be bigger.
Another disadvantage of the charcoal grill is the development of smoke. Of course, the smell of charcoal or flames extinguished with beer is simply part of barbecuing for me.
However, I could not use it in the new grill kitchen. The kitchen would be closed on 2 sides. The smoke could not escape anywhere.
Thus, much the decision to install a gas grill in the new garden kitchen.
By the way, you can follow the construction of my garden kitchen in my playlist on Youtube.
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Alea iacta est – Napoleon PHANTOM Prestige 500 for the garden kitchen
Totally clueless when it came to gas grills, I now began researching. I informed myself with acquaintances who already worked with gas grills. Youtube, with its wealth of information, was also a great help.
The focus of my research was: Durability, quality, flexibility and versatility in use. The new grill should be completely enclosed in the garden kitchen. Thus, it should also have to last a few years. The availability of spare parts was also a criterion.
Ultimately, it was clear to me that it should be one of the 3 large premium providers: Weber, Broil King or Napoleon. I could never really make friends with Weber. The looks and handling just didn’t appeal to me. Broil King and Napoleon were more my cup of tea.
And when the first pictures of the Napoleon PHANTOM series were circulating in the forums in the fall, the preliminary decision had already been made.
4 x 4 kW main burner
4 kW Sizzle Zone
5.7 kW infrared rear burner
25.7 kW total power
45 x 71 cm grill surface
Wave cast stainless steel grills
Cast aluminum grill tray
Multifunction hot grid
deep matte design
Pressure reducer
Manual and recipe book (engl. + franz.)
Especially important to me was the grease tray which is pulled out to the front. In a fitted kitchen, this is an absolute decision criterion.
Alea iacta est – The die is cast – The decision stood!
My new grill should be the Napoleon PHANTOM P500!
Price: € 11.48
Price: € 89.99instead of: € 94.95
Price: € 33.50
Price: € 36.21
Price: € 49.00instead of: € 54.95
Where to buy the Napoleon PHANTOM P500?
The Corona crisis led to significant disruptions in production and supply chains in 2020 and also in 2021. Disasters, such as the blockade of the Suez Canal, in April 2021, further delayed the availability of the Napoleon gas grill.
I had set up availability reminders at all the major grill stores. Unfortunately without success. At the beginning of April, I was pleased to see that the grill was declared available on one of my monitored websites.
Without much ado, the grill went into the shopping cart and was ordered immediately. 4h later the grill was sold out.
After only 3 days the package was delivered by the shipping company. A package measuring approx. 100 x 80 x 80 cm and weighing just under 100 kg was delivered. Just transporting the package to the assembly site was a challenge!
But I made it – Even if my hand truck didn’t survive the mission.
- Für große Grills: Passend für große Grills wie Napoleon Prestige PRO 500 und Prestige 500 Gasgrills.
- Langlebig und wasserdicht: Diese Grillabdeckung für große BBQ-Grills besteht aus langlebigen, wasserabweisendem Stoff, um zu verhindern, dass überschüssiges Wasser deinen Grill beschädigt und Risse oder Schimmelbildung auf der Abdeckung entstehen.
- Perfekte Passform: Die verstellbaren Träger und das taillierte Design sorgen für eine bequeme und perfekte Passform.
- Leicht zugängliches Panel: Verwende die Klettplatte auf der Vorderseite für einfachen Zugang zum Grillschrankaufbewahrung, und zum einfachen Abdecken und Aufdecken des Grills.
- Besserer UV-Schutz: Die verbesserten UV-Inhibitoren sorgen dafür, dass diese Abdeckung nicht verblasst oder reißt und gleichzeitig deinen Grill schützt.
- Integrierter Lüftungsschlitz: Die hintere Belüftung sorgt für Luftzirkulation, verhindert Schimmelbildung und bietet Schutz an böigen Tagen.
- Aufhängeschlaufen: Hänge die Abdeckung an den integrierten, praktischen Aufhängeösen auf, damit sie beim Grillen nicht im Weg ist.
- Maße: ca. Höhe: 132 cm, Breite: 169 cm, Tiefe: 65 cm.
Video: Unboxing, assembly and baking – Napoleon PHANTOM P500
The construction of the Napoleon PHANTOM was very simple. The individual components are well packed in the large box.
Even if the assembly can be done by a single person, I recommend – at the latest for placing the combustion chamber on the body – a second person.
If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.
- Für große Grills: Passend für Prestige Pro 500, Lex485 Series und Prestige 500 BBQ Grills. Passend für andere Grills mit einer Breite von bis zu 78 cm
- Kochen Sie den großen Truthahn: Die große sechseckige Spießstange aus Edelstahl mit kommerziellem Motor hält bis zu 11 kg Lebensmittel
- einwandfreier Betrieb: Der handelsübliche Motor sorgt dafür, dass Lebensmittel reibungslos und kontinuierlich rotieren
- Restaurant-Qualität: Produzieren Sie Mahlzeiten in Restaurant-Qualität, die perfekt saftig, saftig und ein echter Menschengenuss sind
- Leicht zu reinigen: Teile sind aus lebensmittelechtem Edelstahl, um Langlebigkeit und Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten, wodurch sie leicht zu reinigen sind;Stabile Fleischgabeln aus Edelstahl mit vier Zinken halten Ihr Essen an Ort und Stelle mit einfach zu bedienenden Rändelschrauben;Perfekte Balance: Gegengewicht-Baugruppe, um eine reibungslose und ausgewogene Drehung der Mahlzeiten zu gewährleisten;Spülmaschinenfest: Die Rotisserie-Gabeln sind spülmaschinenfest;Das Set enthält: 1 Drehspieß in handelsüblicher Qualität, 1 großer Drehspieß, Edelstahl, sechseckiger Drehspieß, 4 große Edelstahl-Drehspießgabeln, 1 Edelstahl-Gegenausgleich, 1 Edelstahl-Anschlagbuchse, 1 T-Griff
Assembly instructions Napoleon PHANTOM Prestige 500 in brief
I started by looking at the individual parts and comparing them with the assembly instructions. For this you already need some space. To avoid damaging the metal parts, I put a sports mat underneath before I started.
- Insert side parts and rear wall into each other (do not screw yet!)
- Hook in upper intermediate plate
- Hang in base plate
- Screw all components together
- Insert the plastic holder and the rollers on the bottom side and press firmly
- Insert insert for gas cylinder and reinforce rear wall with cross strut
- Insert connector for combustion chamber and screw tight
- Mount door handles and install hinge pins in the doors
- Hanging and aligning doors in the carcase
- Put on combustion chamber and screw tight
- Install gas manifold and battery box
- Mount right side panel
- Mount the left side panel (sizzle zone)
- Mount the gas hose and ignition cable on the sizzle zone
- Insert grill grates and storage grate
- GRILL!!!
- PLANCHA FÜR GASGRILL UND HOLZKOHLEGRILL: Diese Grillplatte sollte auf keinem Grill fehlen und verwandelt deinen Grill in ein Multitalent!
- QUALITÄT VOM MARKTFÜHRER: Als erster Hersteller dieser Planchas fertigen wir jährlich über 4000 Stück. Übrigens ist unsere Plancha für Induktion geeignet.
- EXAKT GEFERTIGT: Massiv aus 4mm Edelstahl mit einer perfekt geschliffenen Oberfläche, weitaus feiner als Gusseisen. Passt in Rösle Videro, Napoleon Lex/Prestige Gasgrills sowie auf den Grillrost vieler Grills - passendes Maß aussuchen.
- GRILLROST FAMILY GARANTIE: Wir stehen zu unseren Produkten! Sollte sich die Plancha doch mal bei zu viel Hitze verziehen, dann schreib uns und wir ersetzen sie anstandslos, versprochen!
- STARTE IN DIE GRILLSAISON: Hol dir eine perfekt gefertigte Plancha vom Familienunternehmen Grillrost.com und starte mit einem Frühstück von der Plancha ins Wochenende.
Napoleon Phantom P500 – Burning in and grilling on
The cast stainless steel grates are extremely easy to clean. These grates combine the advantages of cast iron (high heat absorption) with those of stainless steel (easy maintenance).
Nevertheless, the grill must be “cleaned” before the first use to completely remove the residues from the production.
For this purpose, the grill is heated to full power and the oils and fats from production are burned over a period of 15 to 20 minutes.
At an outside temperature of 2°C (in April!!), the Napoleon PHANTOM P500 with its 4 main burners (16kW) reached a temperature of almost 400°C. I then switched on the rear burner (5.7 kW) and reached an incredible 425°C.
After a good 15 minutes, the gas grill was clean and burned in. I did the same with the sizzle zone. Again, I baked the cast stainless steel grate at the highest power for over 20 minutes.
- PROFESSIONELLES GRILLBESTECK: Mit den Koch- und Grillutensilien von Anmarko hebst du den Grillabend auf das nächste Level. Genieße saftige Burger mit Freunden und Familie.
- HOCHWERTIGE QUALITÄT: Die Pfannenwender sind aus hochwertigem Edelstahl und rostfrei. Dank des robusten Materials gelingen auch Braten und dickes Fleisch problemlos.
- FESTER HALT: Aufgrund des ergonomischen Handgriffs bleibt die Winkelpalette angenehm in deiner Hand liegen. Nach dem Gebrauch kannst Du das Barbecue Set aufgrund der Lochung am Griff aufhängen.
- PERFEKTES SET: Das Pfannenwender-Set lässt Dich nicht im Stich. Ganz egal ob zartes Steak, saftiger Burger oder leckere Pfannkuchen - mit dem Wender gelingt dir jede Speise.
- EINFACHE REINIGUNG: Die Küchenhelfer sind einfach zu reinigen. Einfach nach dem Einsatz normal abwaschen. Das Grillbesteck ist ebenfalls spülmaschinengeeignet. Genieße die Zeit mit Freunden.
Why does the gas barbecue need to be burnt in?
Burning in a new gas barbecue is an important preparatory step that should be carried out before using it for the first time.
The main reason for this is to remove residues such as oils and protective coatings that are applied to the grill components during the manufacturing process.
These residues can not only affect the taste of the grilled food, but also cause smoke development, which could be harmful to health.
When searing, make sure to heat the grill to high temperatures, usually between 260°C and 290°C, and leave it running for 15 to 20 minutes.
It is important that no food is on the grill during the searing process. The grill should be empty during this time in order to effectively burn off all manufacturing residues.
There are also some risks associated with searing, such as the potential for the grill to overheat. To minimize these risks, it is advisable to operate the barbecue in a well-ventilated area and to monitor the temperatures carefully.
Safety precautions, such as having a fire extinguisher to hand, are also recommended so that you can act quickly in the event of an unexpected fire.
Baking ensures that the grill can be used safely and effectively for cooking, which not only improves performance but also promotes the longevity of the grill.
- Backpinsel, Kochmesser
- Zange & Spatel
- Edelstahlguss
- Ergonomische Griffe
Barbecuing with the Napoleon PHANTOM P500
The grill was “deflowered” with a plancha and with the rotating spit. The result was surprisingly good for me, even compared to the charcoal grill. The steaks were just right. The branding is great!
The chicken was crispy on the outside and still juicy on the inside! The storage grate has also already served well!
Soon I will convert the grill to 220V so that I no longer have to rely on the 3 D batteries.
- Zwei Größen zur Auswahl: 45 x 40 cm oder 40 x 30 cm. Die Abtropfmatte ist perfekt für die Thekentiefe. Ungiftig, BPA-frei, umweltfreundlich, antibakteriell, verhindert das Wachstum von Keimen, Schimmel, so dass Sie und Ihre Familie sicheres, sauberes und trockenes Geschirr erhalten.
- Leicht zu reinigen und aufzubewahren; integriertes Loch zum Aufhängen oder einfach falten, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden, abwischen oder in die Spülmaschine geben.
- Vielseitig verwendbar: Nicht nur zum Trocknen von Geschirr, sondern auch als Vorbereitungsbereich zum Kochen, als Kühlschrankeinsatz, als Untertischmatte, als Unterlage für Haustiernäpfe. Verwenden Sie diese auch, um heiße Töpfe und Pfannen zu platzieren, wenn Sie sie nicht als Trockner-Matte verwenden. Mit der Silikon-Abtropfmatte sind die Möglichkeiten endlos.
- Hitzebeständig (bis 230°C). Diese Abtropfmatte ist hitzebeständig (bis 230°C), so dass Sie sie als Untersetzer verwenden können, um Arbeitsplatten und Tische vor heißen Pfannen oder Geräten zu schützen oder zum Abkühlen.
- Diese Silikon-Abtropfmatte ist Ihr Küchenhelfer, hergestellt aus umweltfreundlichem Material, schlichtes Design und einfach zu handhaben, worauf warten Sie? Ersetzen Sie Ihre Mikrofaser-Abtropfmatten mit dieser Silikon-Abtropfmatte und machen Sie das Leben umweltfreundlicher.
Which accessories for the Napoleon gas barbecue?
For my new Napoleon P500 gas barbecue, I have selected a range of accessories that significantly improve the barbecue experience and make it more versatile. Each of these accessories fulfills a specific purpose that allows me to make the most of my barbecue’s capabilities.
I first decided to use a tarpaulin to protect the barbecue when it is not in use and is outside. This tarpaulin protects the barbecue from the weather and thus extends its service life.
A set of high-quality BBQ grill cutlery is essential for handling meat and vegetables safely and effectively. The cutlery ensures precise control when turning and removing food from the grill.
The solid stainless steel plancha, which I use instead of the conventional grill grates, allows me to grill more delicate foods such as fish or chopped vegetables without anything falling through the grate.
It distributes the heat evenly and is ideal for frying at high temperatures.
The motorized rotisserie spit is another fantastic accessory that helps me to cook large pieces of meat such as chicken or roasts evenly. The rotating spit ensures constant rotation, resulting in even cooking and a crispy skin.
The Dutch Oven expands my cooking options on the barbecue by allowing me to braise, bake or even prepare stews in it. This cast-iron pan is ideal for slow-cooked dishes and gives them a unique aroma.
Finally, I use a pizza stone, which allows me to bake pizza with a perfectly crispy crust. The stone stores heat and transfers it evenly to the pizza base, which is often difficult to achieve in a conventional oven.
Each of these accessories helps me to utilize the full potential of my Napoleon P500 gas barbecue and prepare a variety of dishes.
- Natürlich können Sie ihn auch in allen anderen Gasgrillmodellen von Napoleon (außer, TQ-Serie und Triumph T325) nutzen
- Der Napoleon Pizza Stein passt ideal zur Grillserie Rogue
- Original von Napoleon
Summary and conclusion
The arrival of my Napoleon Phantom P500 gas barbecue marked the start of a new chapter for my garden kitchen.
The delivery was made in a large, heavy package, which was a challenge due to its weight alone. Nevertheless, I managed to transport the barbecue to the intended assembly site, even though my hand truck gave up the ghost in the process.
The individual components were carefully packed in the box and the enclosed instructions were detailed and easy to understand, which made assembly much easier.
The assembly itself, although feasible for one person, benefited considerably from a helping hand, especially when placing the heavy combustion chamber on the grill body.
Once all the parts had been carefully unpacked and assembled according to the instructions, the barbecue stood sturdy and ready for use in my garden kitchen.
The next important step was to burn in the grill. This measure is critical as it removes all manufacturing residues such as oils and protective coatings, which could otherwise have a negative effect on the taste of the grilled food.
I heated the Napoleon Phantom P500 to its maximum power, first turning on the main burners and then the rear burner to further increase the temperature.
This process reached temperatures of up to 425°C, an impressive achievement which ensured that all residues were effectively burnt off.
By carefully baking the grill, I was able to ensure that it was not only safe and effective for future barbecues, but also that it would last longer and perform at the highest level.
It was important to keep the grill empty during this process and to closely monitor the high temperatures to minimize potential risks such as overheating.
After a successful burn-in, the Napoleon Phantom P500 was ready for its first use.
The Napoleon Phantom P500 has proven to be an excellent choice for my garden kitchen, not least because of its robust construction and the ability to prepare a variety of dishes using versatile accessories such as a solid stainless steel plancha, a motorized rotisserie and a pizza stone.
This equipment allows me to prepare a wide range of dishes perfectly, from juicy steaks to crispy pizzas.
- Ergonomisch gestalteter Edelstahlgriff
- Langlebige Edelstahlborsten
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