Mobile Heizbox aufruesten Diesel Treibstoff Tank ganz einfach vergroessern Blog - Upgrading the diesel parking heater: Installing a tank extension for the mobile heating box

Upgrading the diesel parking heater: Installing a tank extension for the mobile heating box

Lesezeit 11 Minuten

The original parking heater in my mobile heater box was equipped with a small tank, which severely limited the heating time. To solve the problem, I fitted the diesel heater in my aluminum box with a larger fuel tank. In this article, I describe step by step how I installed the new 10-litre tank, optimized the heating box and achieved a constant heat supply for my animal house.

I share my experiences, tips and challenges, from planning and installing the tank extractor set to the first successful test. These assembly instructions are not only suitable for a roof tent heater or camping use, but also for similar projects in which a powerful 8 kW diesel parking heater is to be integrated.



What you can expect in this blog post

  • Replacing the small 5-liter tank with a larger 10-liter fuel tank to significantly extend the heating time of the diesel parking heater.
  • Step-by-step instructions for installing the new tank, including the fuel filler cap kit and adapting the fuel lines.
  • Tips on the correct positioning of the diesel pump and use of a transparent fuel filter to check the fuel flow.
  • Practical experience from operating the mobile heating box in the animal house, in camping projects or as a roof tent heater.
  • Tips for optimization and safe integration into an aluminum box or similar DIY projects.
  • Detailed test reports and useful recommendations to make the heating box efficient and reliable.



Why the heating box needed a larger tank


The mobile heating box: Reliable warmth for the animal house in winter

The mobile heating box provides a reliable source of heat even in icy temperatures of up to -20 °C and ensures pleasant temperatures of between +10 °C and +15 °C inside the animal house. This provides the animals with optimum protection from the cold, even in the coldest winter months.

Originally, the heating box was equipped with a 5-liter tank, but this was only sufficient for around 2.5 days before it had to be refilled. I describe the installation of the heating box on the house, including the ventilation pipes, the power supply and the remote control, in detail in my blog post Installing a mobile diesel parking heater in the garden shed. There I have documented all the steps to optimally integrate the heating into the environment.

The mobile solution of my heating box is based on a DIY solution that I customized to my individual requirements. The compact diesel parking heaters were originally developed to heat the driver’s cab of a vehicle such as a truck, boat or motorhome. However, it can also be used stationary in the workshop, in the cellar or in the porch. Of course, the heater is also suitable for heating garden sheds or greenhouses independently.

I explain how I installed the 8 kW diesel parking heater in a robust metal box so that it is mobile and protected from the weather in my blog post Build your own mobile heating box: The best DIY solution with an 8 kW diesel parking heater. The article provides insights into the entire construction process and shows how I prepared the heating box optimally for use.

I tested the VEVOR 8kW diesel parking heater extensively before implementing it. In the article Diesel parking heater for animal house, workshop and camper: My test of the VEVOR 8 kW heater, I document the unboxing, the first impression and the test results of the heater. There I also explain why I chose this model and what advantages it offers in practical use.

These articles document the entire process, from planning and component selection to the successful operation of the heating box.


At a glance

  • Effective heat generation even at extreme sub-zero temperatures
  • 5 liter diesel tank for up to 5 days of operation at heating level 3
  • Optimization possibilities through larger tank capacity


Heating time and consumption in detail

The diesel heater of the mobile heating box offers several power levels that differ in their fuel consumption:

  • In heating level 3, which was preferred for daily operation, the heater consumes 0.2 liters of diesel per hour. With the 5-liter tank, a maximum heating time of 25 hours could be achieved.
  • As the heating was mainly operated during the colder night hours from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m., i.e. 12 hours a day, one tank of fuel was enough for just under two nights before it had to be topped up.

At the highest heating level 6, which was occasionally used for maximum heat output, consumption was 0.5 liters of diesel per hour. Here, the 5-liter tank was only sufficient for 10 hours of operation. Due to the high consumption, however, this stage was only used for a short time.


Heating level Consumption (liters/hour) Operating time with 5-liter tank Daily usage time (17:00 – 7:00) Fuel range (in days)
Level 3 0,2 25 hours 12 hours approx. 2.1 days
Level 6 0,5 10 hours 12 hours < 1 day


The challenge of limited tank capacity

The 5-liter tank of the heating box proved its worth for everyday operation at heating level 3, as it was able to provide heat for almost two nights. However, regular operation in the cold winter months required frequent refilling, which was particularly troublesome in extreme temperatures.

A larger tank capacity would not only minimize maintenance costs, but would also allow the heating box to operate continuously over longer periods of time – a decisive advantage for a constant heat supply in the animal house.



VEVOR Luft Dieselheizung Standheizung 12V 5-8kW, Luftheizung Air Diesel Diesel Standheizung Lufterhitzer, 0,12–0,52 L/Std. Dieselheizung mit LCD-Display & Fernbedienung Air Diesel Heizung
VEVOR Luft Dieselheizung Standheizung 12V 5-8kW, Luftheizung Air Diesel Diesel Standheizung Lufterhitzer, 0,12–0,52 L/Std. Dieselheizung mit LCD-Display & Fernbedienung Air Diesel Heizung*
  • Einfache Lösung ohne Installation: Genießen Sie eine effiziente Heizung mit unserem All-in-One-Dieselheizgerät, das keine Installation erfordert und perfekt für Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Camping geeignet ist. Heizleistung: 5-8 KW; Nennspannung: 12 V. Einsatzbereich: 215-269 Fu߲ (20-25 m²). In nur 10 Minuten sorgt unser innovativer Wärmetauscher aus sandgestrahltem Aluminium für eine schnelle und effiziente Wärmeübertragung und damit für eine angenehme Temperatur im Fahrzeug, Boot oder Kabine.
  • Niedriger Energieverbrauch & hohe Leistung: Sparen Sie Kraftstoffkosten mit der präzisen, geräuscharmen Kraftstoffpumpe der VEVOR-Dieselheizung, die weniger als 1 Gallone pro Nacht verbraucht und den Kraftstoffverbrauch auf einen Bereich von 0,16 L bis 0,62 L/h senkt. Mit einem großen 5-Liter-Kraftstofftank kann der Diesel-Lufterhitzer bis zu 8 Stunden ununterbrochen Wärme liefern, wodurch die Kraftstoffeffizienz maximiert und Energieverschwendung minimiert wird.
  • Intelligente Doppelsteuerung: Übernehmen Sie die Kontrolle über Ihr Heizerlebnis mit unserer 32-Fuß-Fernbedienung (10 m) und dem LCD-Display. Heizen Sie Ihr Fahrzeug von außen vor, halten Sie den Innenraum warm, wärmen Sie den Motor vor und verhindern Sie, dass die Scheiben vereisen. Das große LCD-Display gibt Ihnen einen klaren Überblick über den Status Ihrer Heizung. Die Temperatur kann von 46 bis 96,8 ºF (8 bis 36 ºC) eingestellt werden, um Ihren spezifischen Bedürfnissen zu entsprechen.
  • Bleiben Sie überall warm: Unsere Dieselheizung mit 8 kW ist für Höhen bis 9843 Fuß (3000 m) geeignet und funktioniert problemlos bei Umgebungstemperaturen von -104 bis 104 ºF (-40 bis 40 °C). Ob in großer Höhe oder in Gebieten mit niedrigen Temperaturen, diese tragbare Dieselheizung sorgt überall für konstante Wärme.
  • Sicher & zuverlässig: Unser Diesel-Lufterhitzer ist mit einem Hochsicherheitssystem ausgestattet, das einen sorgenfreien Einsatz in verschiedenen Umgebungen wie Autos, Wohnmobilen, Booten und Innenräumen ermöglicht. Es bietet konstante Temperaturregelung, Timerfunktion, Sprachübertragung, Vorwärmung und Überhitzungsschutz bei über 518 °F (270 °C) für ein sicheres und komfortables Erlebnis die ganze Nacht hindurch.
List Price: € 125.99 You Save: € 12.00 (-10%)  Price: € 113.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Materials and tools for converting the parking heater

The successful installation of the new tank required a precise selection of components and tools. With the right materials, the heating box could be optimized for a significantly longer operating time without having to compromise on heating performance.

Below is an overview of the components and tools used:


10 liter petrol can
The new canister has four times the capacity of the original tank, which significantly extends the heating time.

  • Two openings: The canister has a large main opening with a screw cap for filling and a smaller vent opening at the end of the handle – also with a screw cap.
  • Fuel level indicator: The easy-to-read display on the side of the red canister always shows the current fuel level. This means that the tank can be refilled in good time before the heating fails.



Tank extractor set
This set connects the new canister to the diesel pump and ensures a reliable fuel supply. It consists of:

  • A thin metal pipe that sucks in the fuel,
  • a fuel-resistant plastic hose that transports the diesel,
  • several clamps to close the connections securely and tightly,
  • a wall bushing that allows the pipe to be installed safely and leak-proof in the tank.



Petrol hose with integrated filter
The fuel hose ensures a safe supply of diesel from the heater to the diesel pump. The additional filter protects the heater from contamination by removing particles and dirt from the fuel.



Tools for installation

  • Cordless screwdriver and suitable drill: A hole had to be drilled into the small screw cap of the canister in order to fit the wall bushing properly.
  • Screwdriver: This was needed to securely tighten the screws of the clamps and reliably fasten the connection between the hoses and pipe.
  • Kitchen roll or workshop roll: This was indispensable, as the remaining fuel leaked out of the line when connecting the diesel pump to the new tank. Diesel has an intense odor that is difficult to remove, which is why spilled fuel should be wiped up immediately.

As I already had the tools in stock, I only had to pay extra for the fuel canister and the tank extractor set.



Kraftstoff Standrohr set, 52cm Tankentnehmer mit 1 Ölfilter 1 Kraftstoffleitung 2 Verbindungsrohr 4 Schlauchschelle für Eberspacher Webasto Heizsysteme
Kraftstoff Standrohr set, 52cm Tankentnehmer mit 1 Ölfilter 1 Kraftstoffleitung 2 Verbindungsrohr 4 Schlauchschelle für Eberspacher Webasto Heizsysteme*
  • Hochwertige Materialien: kraftstoff standrohr aus hochwertigen Plastik und Metallmaterialien , korrosionsbeständig, hohe Leistung. Schnelle Filtration, langlebig und schwer zu beschädigen, lange Lebensdauer.
  • Sie erhalten: Dieses Tankentnahmerohr mit Korrosionsbeständigkeit und stabiler Leistung.Beinhaltet 1 x Tankstandrohr(53cm), 4 x Schlauchschellen(2x2.5cm), 1 x Kraftstoffleitung(5m), 2 x Kraftstoffanschlussschlauch(5.2cm),1 x Ölfilter(8x4.5cm).
  • Einfach zu installieren: Das Standrohr lässt sich schnell und sicher in die Kraftstoff-Sammelvorrichtung einbauen, ohne den Kraftstofftank zu entfernen oder die Kraftstoffleitung des Fahrzeugs zu unterbrechen. Es ist einfach und bequem, die Installation und Verwendung abzuschließen.
  • Eigenschaften: tankentnehmer standheizung ist sehr formbar und kann gebogen werden, um Ihren unterschiedlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.
  • weit verbreitet: Das Kraftstoffschlauch-Kit filtert Verunreinigungen, Schmutz und Partikel aus dem Kraftstoff, verhindert eine Verstopfung des Vergasers und lässt nur sauberen Kraftstoff einströmen, wodurch der Kraftstoffverbrauch und der mechanische Verschleiß reduziert werden und der Motor reibungslos läuft für Eberspacher / für Webasto Heizsysteme für alle Kraftstoffheizungen.
 Price: € 15.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Step-by-step instructions: Fitting a diesel heater with a larger tank


Prepare new tank

The 10-liter petrol canister was chosen so that it fits easily into the mobile heating box. A small hole was drilled in the small screw cap of the canister to fit the tank extractor. A metal pipe was then inserted through this hole and fixed airtight using the wall duct. The tube was bent so that it reaches to the bottom inside the canister in order to be able to optimally suck in the fuel.

The metal tube was secured by screwing the lid on, which fixed it securely in the canister. It is important to note that the opening in the canister lid is not completely airtight in order to prevent negative pressure during fuel consumption. Despite this design, there are no problems with escaping vapors or diesel odors.


Connecting the diesel pump

The fuel line was attached to the nozzle of the fuel filler neck and secured with a clamp. The other end of the line was connected to the fuel filter. The old fuel line, previously connected to the 5-liter tank, was disconnected and connected to the outlet of the new filter.

The fuel hose was installed on the diesel heater and secured with cable ties so that the filter is below the tank opening. This ensured that the air in the filter did not obstruct the fuel flow and that the heating performance remained optimal. In addition, care was taken to ensure that the diesel hoses do not bump or rub anywhere in order to avoid potential weak points caused by abrasion over time.

The new tank was positioned directly in the heating box. The distance to the hot exhaust pipe is sufficiently large to ensure safe operation. The tank can be easily refilled from the outside at any time. Due to the size of my heating box, there is still enough space for an additional battery.

Alternatively, it would be possible to use a second identical tank. In this case, an empty tank could simply be replaced with a full one by reconnecting the tank tap.



Function test of the heating box

After installation, I started the heater box and carefully checked the entire system for leaks and function. The first test was a complete success. The pump sucked in the fuel via the new lines without any problems, and the diesel heater was running stably within a few minutes.

I kept a particularly close eye on the fuel filter. During operation, this was only filled to about one third with diesel. This is because the fuel is pumped from the filter down to the heater. The air that collects in the upper area of the filter is not a problem as it does not impede the fuel flow. On the contrary: this type of venting even has advantages. The air remains in the upper area of the filter and cannot build up pressure in the system, which keeps the fuel flow constant and trouble-free.

Another advantage is that the fuel filter is made of transparent plastic. This allows me to see at any time whether fuel is being pumped through the lines or whether there are problems in the system. This visual check is particularly helpful to ensure that the heating runs reliably even during longer periods of operation.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the result. There was no smell of diesel and no leaks, and all connections were tight. The successful test showed that the adjustments were implemented perfectly and the heating box is now reliably ready for use.



TAYG 602351 10l-Kanister mit Kanüle, orange
TAYG 602351 10l-Kanister mit Kanüle, orange*
by Tayg
  • Kanister mit Auslaufrohr 10 L.
  • Lufteinlass für gleichmäßiges Ausgießen.
  • Mit Füllstandsanzeige.
  • Geeignet für den Transport von Gefahrgutklassen 3, 6.1, 8 und 9.
  • Erfüllt Normen ADR, RID, IMDG, IATA/OACI.
  • Hydraulikdruck 200 kpa.
  • Farben: Kanister, rot oder orange, mit schwarzem Einfüllstutzen und Verschluss.
  • Material: Hergestellt aus Polyethylen.
  • Maße. 265 x 200 x 307 mm.
  • *Lufteinlass im Inneren des Kanisters*
 Price: € 22.45 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Video: Upgrading the mobile heating box – simply enlarge the diesel fuel tank

I recorded the installation of the new fuel tank and the connection of the fuel pump of the diesel heater to the new tank extractor in a detailed and informative video and published it in my playlist Product tests, experiences & conclusion on my YouTube channel.

Another overview of my videos on building the animal house with outdoor aviary can be found in the Garden blog category.

If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.


Abonniere COMMAIK auf YouTube


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Summary: Equip the heater box with a larger fuel tank

A small fuel tank can considerably limit the heating time of a diesel parking heater, especially in cold winter months. To increase the efficiency of the mobile heating box, the original 5-liter tank was replaced by a 10-liter canister. The new tank allows heating for up to a week without restricting the mobility of the heating box.

Fuel is delivered safely and reliably through the use of a tank extractor set and a diesel pump. All connections were designed to be airtight to prevent diesel vapors from escaping. The installation of the new fuel tank, including venting via the screw cap, ensures trouble-free operation.

A particular advantage of the new system is the transparent fuel filter, which allows the diesel flow to be checked visually. Bleeding the filter prevents disruptions in the fuel flow, as air cannot build up pressure.

The conversion and optimization of the heating box was carried out carefully and tested for leaks and function in a test run. The diesel heater ran stably and showed no problems with leaks or diesel odor.

This adaptation makes the heating box even more efficient and flexible for use in animal houses, workshops or campers. The larger tank capacity significantly reduces maintenance costs and ensures a constant heat supply.

Further information on planning and building the heating box and on testing the diesel parking heater can be found in the following articles:



Laixin 3/16” Zoll Ø 5 mm Kraftstoffgasleitung Kit 1 Meter Benzinschlauch mit 5 Stücke Schlauchschellen für kleine Motoren, Moto, Auto
Laixin 3/16” Zoll Ø 5 mm Kraftstoffgasleitung Kit 1 Meter Benzinschlauch mit 5 Stücke Schlauchschellen für kleine Motoren, Moto, Auto*
by Laixin
  • ▶ Sorgenfreie Kombination ◀ Das Paket enthält eine Kraftstoffleitung mit 1 Meter Ø 5 mm; 5 x Schlauchschellen. Die Abmessungen der beiden Teile sind miteinander kompatibel. Sie können sie direkt ohne zusätzliche Einkäufe verwenden.
  • ▶ Verdickte Rohrwand ◀ Die Wandstärke beträgt 2,94 mm. Ölbeständig, kältebeständig und Ethanoltoleranz. Durch das dicke Rohr fühlen Sie sich wohl, ohne sich Sorgen über Leckagen machen zu müssen.
  • ▶ LANGE LEBENSDAUER ◀ Aufgrund des hochwertigen Nylonmaterials kann die durchschnittliche Lebensdauer 5 Jahre erreichen. Es ist haltbarer als die meisten Produkte auf dem Markt.
  • ▶ Schlauchschellen ◀ Aus 65Mn Federstahl. Die Klemmen sind robust, stark und zuverlässig. Der Clip ist sehr fest. Verwenden Sie im Allgemeinen nur eine Zange, um die Lücke zu öffnen. Enge Klemmkraft verhindert das Austreten von Flüssigkeit.
  • ▶ Breite Anwendung ◀ Erinnerung: Das Kraftstoffschlauch besteht aus 1 Meter Schlauch und 5 Schlauchschellen. Wenn Sie mehrere Menge kaufen, erhalten Sie mehrere 1 Meter Kraftstoffschlauch anstelle von mehreren Metern Kraftstoffschlauch. Zur Förderung von Benzin, E-85, Diesel und Biodiesel, Kraftstoffen in Mähern, Traktoren, Schneefräsen, Dirtbikes und fast allen Kleinmotoren.
 Price: € 9.99 (€ 1.66 / stück) Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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FAQ: Optimizing the heater box with a larger fuel tank

1. why was the 2.5-liter tank replaced by a 10-liter tank?
The larger tank significantly reduces maintenance requirements and enables a heating period of up to one week, ideal for use in cold winter months.

2. how was the tank enlargement implemented?
A 10-liter canister was fitted with a tank extractor set and installed airtight. The fuel lines were re-routed and connected with a transparent filter.

3 What are the advantages of the new 10-liter tank for the heating box?
The larger tank enables a longer operating time, reduces the need for frequent refilling and ensures a reliable heat supply, even in extreme sub-zero temperatures.

4. how much heating time does the 10-liter tank offer in the various heating levels?
At level 3 (0.2 l/h), the tank provides up to 50 hours of heating time. At level 6 (0.5 l/h), the operating time is up to 20 hours.

5 What is a tank extractor set and why is it needed?
A tank extractor set connects the tank to the diesel pump. It consists of an intake pipe, a fuel-resistant hose and a wall bushing and ensures a reliable fuel supply.

6. what steps are necessary to connect the diesel heater to the new tank?
First, a hole was drilled in the screw cap of the tank in order to mount the tank extractor securely. The fuel line was then secured with clamps and the filter positioned so that the fuel can flow unhindered to the heater. All connections have been carefully checked to ensure tightness and prevent diesel odor.

7. how does the transparent fuel filter affect operation?
The filter protects the heater from contamination, allows visual control of the diesel flow and ensures a constant fuel flow without pressure problems thanks to the venting.

8. can the new tank be extended or replaced?
Yes, an empty tank can be replaced by a full one. Alternatively, a second tank can be added to further increase the capacity.

9. which applications is the optimized heating box suitable for?
The heating box is suitable for animal houses, workshops, camping and roof tent heaters, especially at low temperatures.

10. how was the function of the optimized heating box tested?
A successful test run confirmed the tightness of all connections, the trouble-free operation of the diesel pump and the reliable heat supply.



Enders Alubox TORONTO 130 L - Aluminiumbox mit 1 mm Wandstärke, extra stabil, spritzwasser und staubdicht, stapelbar, inklusive Hangtag, Kunststoffgriffe, Transportbox, Lagerbox, Werkzeugkiste #3910
Enders Alubox TORONTO 130 L - Aluminiumbox mit 1 mm Wandstärke, extra stabil, spritzwasser und staubdicht, stapelbar, inklusive Hangtag, Kunststoffgriffe, Transportbox, Lagerbox, Werkzeugkiste #3910*
by Enders Colsman
  • Power_Source_typ; Handbetrieben
  • Farbe: Silber
  • Material: Plastik
  • Packungagegewicht: 4.999 Kilograms
  • Packungage die Größe: 30.0 L X 80.0 H X 50.0 W (Centimeters)
List Price: € 119.00 You Save: € 6.10 (-5%)  Price: € 112.90 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: English Deutsch

My name is Maik and I have been writing this construction diary since 2008. In addition to my family and job, the expansion and renovation of our art nouveau villa is an important part of my life. Here in the blog I share my experiences. Attention: Some of the linked products are affiliate links. If you order the products through the links, I will be supported with a commission. This has no effect on your price.

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