Mobile Heizbox selber bauen Diesel Standheizung fuer das Tierhaus a - Build your own mobile heating box: The best DIY solution with an 8kW diesel parking heater

Build your own mobile heating box: The best DIY solution with an 8kW diesel parking heater

Lesezeit 12 Minuten

I have built a mobile heating box with an 8kW China Diesel parking heater that can reliably heat animal houses, garden sheds, campers and tents. The heater box had to be compact, weatherproof and mobile, but at the same time offer enough space for the diesel heater, fuel tank and accessories. In this article, I describe how I planned the heating box, installed the diesel heater and finally put the box into operation, and share my building instructions and my experiences as well as practical solutions.


At a glance

  • Construction of a mobile heating box with an 8kW China Diesel parking heater for animal houses, garden sheds, campers and tents.
  • Planning and implementation of a compact, weatherproof and flexible heating solution.
  • Optimization of air circulation with 75 mm air hoses and secure wall ducts.
  • Installation of a 220V-12V transformer for external power supply and preparation for internal batteries.
  • Practical experience: from adapting the remote control to tests under real conditions.
  • Test results: Constant heat at outside temperatures of -10°C and quiet operation that does not disturb animals.


Why a diesel heater for the animal house?

In winter, temperatures often fell to as low as -15°C. My 800-watt fan heater was still sufficient to keep the insulated animal house warm.

However, the problem lay in the power supply: My off-grid photovoltaic system was unable to feed enough electricity into the batteries during the day to power the fan heater throughout the night.

I have described the construction of my PV island system in the article Building a PC island system yourself. In the article LiFePo4 power station for off-grid PV system I describe the installation of a mobile power station in my existing off-grid system.

The problem with the PV system

The PV system consisted of four 120-watt modules and three 12V AGM batteries with 120Ah each. Under optimal conditions, this configuration would have been able to operate the fan heater, but the winter presented several challenges:

  • Low sun and few hours of sunshine drastically reduced energy production.
  • snow on the PV modules, which further impaired performance.
  • Cloudy weather, which further reduced the efficiency of the solar modules.



Calculation: Why the PV system was not sufficient

The following energy requirement was necessary to operate the 800 watt fan heater over a 10-hour night:


Energy requirement per night:

800 watts x 10 hours = 8000 watt hours (Wh) = 8 kilowatt hours (kWh)



Capacity of the batteries:

Each AGM battery had a capacity of 12 volts x 120 ampere hours (Ah) = 1440 watt hours (1.44 kWh).
With three batteries, a total of 3 x 1440 Wh = 4320 Wh (4.32 kWh) was available.
Since AGM batteries should only be discharged up to 50 %, the usable capacity was

4.32 kWh x 50 % = 2.16 kWh



Actual output of the PV system:

The PV modules were able to feed in a maximum of 4 hours of effective solar radiation:

480 watts x 4 hours = 1920 watt hours (Wh) = 1.92 kilowatt hours (kWh)



Usable capacity of the batteries:

As the batteries can only store the energy supplied by the PV modules, the usable storage capacity was also limited to 1.92 kWh.



Required feed-in power:

In order to cover the night-time consumption of 8 kWh, the PV system would have had to generate at least this amount during the day.
However, with four modules of 120 watts each (480 watts in total) and 4 hours of effective solar radiation, the feed-in was:

480 watts x 4 hours = 1920 watt hours (1.92 kWh)



Lack of mains power requirement:

The lack of electricity demand was:

8 kWh – 1.92 kWh = 6.08 kWh


The feed-in and storage capacity was therefore far too low to cover the energy demand.


The expensive emergency solution: Mains power for heating

As the PV system wasn’t supplying enough power and my solar batteries couldn’t store the necessary amount of energy, my system automatically switched to the household grid. This emergency solution was reliable, but expensive.


  1. Costs for mains electricity per night:
    6.08 kWh x 0.30 EUR/kWh = 1.82 EUR per night.
  2. Costs over the winter (90 nights):
    1.82 EUR x 90 nights = 164.16 EUR.


In contrast to this ideal starting position, there were of course also times when the PV modules did not produce any electricity at all because they were snowed in, for example. Then we had to pay 2.40 EUR per night. This made the fan heater a costly solution in the long term, especially compared to diesel heating.

The solution: a diesel heater

To solve this problem, I opted for a China diesel heater that works independently of the PV system and provides reliable heat. After the first successful test of the Vevor 8kW diesel heater, it was clear that I wanted to optimize this solution further – by building a weatherproof and mobile heating box.

You can find the unboxing and the test of my Vevor diesel heater in my blog post “Diesel parking heater for pet house, workshop and camper – My test of the Vevor 8kW heater”.



12V Diesel Lufterhitzer, 8KW Standhezung Diesel, Luft Standhezung, Dieselheizung 1 Luftauslass, Luft-Diesel-Heizung mit LCD-Display, Air Standheizung für Auto RV Boote LKW Wohnmobil
12V Diesel Lufterhitzer, 8KW Standhezung Diesel, Luft Standhezung, Dieselheizung 1 Luftauslass, Luft-Diesel-Heizung mit LCD-Display, Air Standheizung für Auto RV Boote LKW Wohnmobil*
by Neremstore
  • ✅【LCD-Display】Das LCD-Display kann den Betriebszustand der Maschine deutlich anzeigen, kann zum Starten und Herunterfahren voreingestellt werden und kann die Ölmenge, Windgeschwindigkeit und Temperatur einstellen.
  • ✅【Wärmequelle bereitstellen 】 Die Heizung kann eine Wärmequelle für alle Arten von Autos bereitstellen, die die Temperatur im Auto erhöht. Motorverschleiß bei niedrigen Temperaturen vermeiden. Wird verwendet, um den Nebel auf den Fenstern verschiedener Autos aufzutauen, zu starten und aufzutauen. Das Heizgerät ist mit geringem Kraftstoffverbrauch und geringem Stromverbrauch ausgelegt, was für den Langzeitbetrieb geeignet ist.
  • ✅【Geräuscharmes Design】 Unsere Heizung ist geräuscharm, geräuschreduzierend und der Geräuschpegel ist sehr gering. Der Diesel-Lufterhitzer kann zum Vorwärmen und Einstellen über die Fernbedienung ferngesteuert werden.
  • ✅【Einfach zu installieren】 Die Heizung ist kompakt und einfach zu installieren. Die kompakte Bauweise begünstigt den Einsatz in unterschiedlichen engen Räumen. Nach dem Austausch des Fahrzeugs hat dies keinen Einfluss auf die Nutzung. Es kann zu einem neuen Fahrzeug zerlegt werden.
  • ✅【Anwendungsbereich 】Geeignet für verschiedene Arten von dieselmechanischen Fahrzeugen wie Pkw, Lkw, Busse, Wohnmobile, Lkw, Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen, technische Fahrzeuge, Boote usw., um im kalten Winter die Wärme zu genießen. Bitte wählen Sie das 12V Spannungsmodell für 1 Batterieauto und das 24V Spannungsmodell für 2 Batterieautos (normalerweise LKW und LKW).
 Price: € 65.00 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Build your own mobile heating box: My plan

For my project, I wanted to develop a heating solution that was not only practical, but also safe and weatherproof.

The idea: a mobile heating box that can be used flexibly in different places, such as the animal house, the garden shed, but also in a vehicle or when camping as a roof tent heater.

Here are my most important goals:


  • Integrate the diesel heater into a robust aluminum box.
  • The fuel tank for diesel or heating oil also had to be accommodated in the box to ensure the mobility of the heating box.
  • The heating box should have the option of receiving a power supply – either through a suitable battery or a power station.
  • Openings for exhaust, air circulation and power supply had to be created, and all connections had to be secure and stable. At the same time, it had to be possible to disconnect the connections at any time so that the heating box could be used elsewhere without any problems.
  • The box should not only be weatherproof, but also sound-insulating to ensure that the diesel heater operates as quietly as possible.
  • The entire system had to distribute the heat efficiently and still remain mobile.


With these requirements, I had a clear idea of how the heating box should look and function in the end.



Components and materials for the heating box


The box: Robust base for the heating box

I wanted to use an aluminum box as the housing, which is light, stable and weatherproof. The dimensions of the box (approx. 78 x 52 x 33 cm) should provide sufficient space for the 8 kW diesel heater and all other components. Lockable handles should ensure additional safety.

Enders Alubox TORONTO 130 L - Aluminiumbox mit 1 mm Wandstärke, extra stabil, spritzwasser und staubdicht, stapelbar, inklusive Hangtag, Kunststoffgriffe, Transportbox, Lagerbox, Werkzeugkiste #3910
Enders Alubox TORONTO 130 L - Aluminiumbox mit 1 mm Wandstärke, extra stabil, spritzwasser und staubdicht, stapelbar, inklusive Hangtag, Kunststoffgriffe, Transportbox, Lagerbox, Werkzeugkiste #3910*
by Enders Colsman
  • Power_Source_typ; Handbetrieben
  • Farbe: Silber
  • Material: Plastik
  • Packungagegewicht: 4.999 Kilograms
  • Packungage die Größe: 30.0 L X 80.0 H X 50.0 W (Centimeters)
List Price: € 119.00 You Save: € 19.10 (-16%)  Price: € 99.90 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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The diesel heater: VEVOR 8kW parking heater

I planned to use my existing VEVOR diesel parking heater, which I had already tested extensively. The heater impressed me with its high heat output and ease of installation. It was supplied pre-assembled in a sturdy frame, which should make installation easier.

I wanted to continue using the air hose, the exhaust hose and also the existing cabling of the VEVOR heater, but I planned a few optimizations to increase functionality and flexibility.

Power supply and electrics

For the power supply, I planned to use a transformer that would transform the 220V current from an external source, such as my off-grid PV system, to 12V. This should allow the diesel heater to be operated reliably. I also wanted to install special electrical feed-throughs so that the remote control and the 220V power supply could be easily connected from the outside with a plug. This should not only ensure flexibility, but also safe handling.

In addition, the heating box should be able to accommodate an internal 12V power source – such as a car battery or a power station. However, this installation was only planned for the next season, as the power supply was initially to be ensured by the transformer and external sources.

Pipe ducts for air and exhaust gases

To conduct the warm air into the animal house and the air to be heated back into the heating box, I wanted to install special pipe ducts for the 75 mm air hoses. These wall ducts should be designed in such a way that the air hoses can be connected quickly, safely and tightly and disconnected again if necessary.

I also planned special wall ducts for the exhaust and the combustion air hose. I wanted to use components from the boatbuilding industry, as these are particularly heat-resistant, durable and waterproof.



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Installation of the diesel parking heater in the box



Exhaust and fresh air: Efficient heat distribution

An important step was the correct positioning of the exhaust and fresh air system. The exhaust was led out of the side of the aluminum box through a stainless steel passage. This allowed condensates to drain off and toxic gases to be safely discharged to the outside.

For the fresh air supply, I used a flexible pipe that draws in the combustion air from outside. The wall ducts for the exhaust and combustion air were installed opposite each other to ensure that no exhaust gases could be drawn in. Both feedthroughs had special rubber seals that made the hole watertight.

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Mounting rails: Secure fastening

I first installed two mounting rails on the underside of the box. These rails enabled me to securely fasten the diesel heater with hammerhead bolts. The hammer-head screws have a flat head that twists in the rails, creating a stable connection. This solution is not only secure, but also flexible, as the screws can be easily loosened if necessary.


Air circulation: warm air for animal house and camper

To channel the warm air into the animal house, I used flexible 75-mm ventilation pipes. The wall ducts for these pipes also had rubber seals, which ensured a tight and water-protected connection. I positioned the flanges in front of and behind the diesel heater in such a way that the air flow could be guided into and out of the heater on a straight path through the wall of the aluminum box.

Intelmann Alu-Flexrohr, 75 mm Durchmesser, 3 m Lnge  Made in Germany
Intelmann Alu-Flexrohr, 75 mm Durchmesser, 3 m Lnge Made in Germany*
by Intelmann GmbH
  • Hochwertiges Material: Reinaluminium in hchster Qualitt, Innendurchmesser 75 mm
  • Flexibel und ausziehbar: Anwendungslnge bis 3,0 m, gestaucht auf 0,6 m, kleinster Biegeradius entspricht 1 x Nennweite
  • Temperaturbestndig: Hlt dauerhaft Temperaturen bis 250C stand
  • Sicherheitszertifiziert: Nicht brennbar gem DIN 4102 Klasse A1
  • Vielseitiger Einsatz: Optimal geeignet fr Luftfhrung, Standheizung & Dieselheizung
 Price: € 7.97 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Electrics: Transformer and cabling

I attached the transformer directly to the wall of the box with screws from the inside. I made the cable connections in small distribution boxes, which I also mounted on the wall below the transformer. The cables were securely connected with WAGO terminals. I then laid the cables neatly inside the box and secured them with cable ties to protect them from damage.

I adapted the remote control to the system: To do this, I disconnected the remote control cable and soldered it to the power plug of the wall bushing from the inside. I ran an extension cable from the outside into the animal house, where I fitted the remote control. This means I can operate the heating directly from the animal house and make optimum use of the heating’s temperature-controlled program.

I also secured the power supply in the same way. The cable contacts were neatly soldered and protected with heat-shrink tubing to protect them from moisture and damage.


DUSKTEC LED Trafo 12V 300W Transformator IP67, Wasserdicht LED Netzteil Treiber AC 230V auf DC 12 Volt 25A, Konstantspannung Niedervolttrafo Driver für Außen LED-Streifen Spots Glühbirne Deckenlampe
DUSKTEC LED Trafo 12V 300W Transformator IP67, Wasserdicht LED Netzteil Treiber AC 230V auf DC 12 Volt 25A, Konstantspannung Niedervolttrafo Driver für Außen LED-Streifen Spots Glühbirne Deckenlampe*
  • Transformator 230V auf 12V LED: AC-Eingang 170-260 Volt. 50 / 60Hz, Konstant Spannung ausgang: 12V DC, Ausgangs strom: 25 Ampere. Maximale Belastung: 300 Watt. Abmessungen: 365 x 58 x 25mm; Nicht dimmbar.
  • LED Trafo 12V Robust: Das Vollkörper-Aluminiumgehäuse in Verbindung mit Silikonverbundstoff hilft innen gefüllt, das Gerät 100 % wasserdicht und kühl zu halten. Keine Funkstörungen, keine Mindestlast, kein Flackern und kein Rauschen
  • LED Netzteil Schutzfunktionen: Automatischer Schutz bei Kurzschluss, Überlastung, Überspannung, Überstrom, hoher Temperatur. Schutztyp: Hiccup-Modus, automatische Wiederherstellung nach Behebung des Fehlerzustand
  • Transformator 230V 12V Wasserdicht: IP67 bewertet Regenfest und staubdicht. Für CCTV-Kameras und DC12V LED-Beleuchtung wie einfarbige LED-Streifen, Unterschrankleuchten, LED-Module, Puckleuchten, Poolbeleuchtung, Landschaftsbeleuchtung, Decksbeleuchtung, Geschäftsschilder und G4/MR16/MR11 LED-Lampen
  • Hochwertig und Unterstützt: Kann an einem trockenen oder nassen Ort installiert werden, der für Innen- und Außen anwendungen geeignet ist. Bei Problemen mit dem LED Netzteil 12V 300W können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden, um Unterstützung zu erhalten.
 Price: € 49.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
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Diesel tank: current solution and future expansion

Initially, I used the 5-liter diesel tank that was already supplied as part of the VEVOR parking heater. This tank was permanently integrated into the heating system and enabled the heating box to be commissioned quickly and easily.

In a further step, I planned to install a larger diesel tank directly in the box to significantly extend the running time of the heater box. When laying the exhaust pipe, I had to make sure to allow enough space for the future tank. The exhaust pipe can reach temperatures of over 100°C, so I took care to position it in such a way that neither the tank nor other components were endangered.

This planning not only ensured operation with the existing tank, but also flexibility for future upgrades.



Video: Diesel parking heater for garden shed and animal house – Build your own mobile heating box

I have recorded the construction of my mobile heating box with the Vevor diesel heater in a detailed and informative video.

I filmed the individual steps in the video and published them in my playlist Product tests, experiences & conclusion on my YouTube channel. Another overview of my videos on building the animal house with outdoor aviary can be found in the Garden blog category.

If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.


Abonniere COMMAIK auf YouTube


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Initial tests and results

After assembling the heating box, I first installed it provisionally on the animal house so that I could test it thoroughly. The result: the temperature in the animal house rose quickly and remained constant, even at outside temperatures of -10°C. The heating box works efficiently and is quiet enough not to disturb the animals.

All specifications were successfully implemented. The box is compact and provides the necessary storage space for all the accessories, including the diesel heater, transformer and air and exhaust hoses. Thanks to its sophisticated design, it remains mobile at all times and can be moved to another location if required.



Abgasschlauch für Stromerzeuger 200 CM, JatilEr Abgasschlauch Standheizung Auspuff Edelstahl Auspuff Schalldämpfer, Auto Edelstahl Auspuffrohr mit Zwei Edelstahlklammern für Diesel Heizung
Abgasschlauch für Stromerzeuger 200 CM, JatilEr Abgasschlauch Standheizung Auspuff Edelstahl Auspuff Schalldämpfer, Auto Edelstahl Auspuffrohr mit Zwei Edelstahlklammern für Diesel Heizung*
by JatilEr
  • Hochwertige Materialien: Abgasschlauch für stromerzeuger besteht aus edelstahl, der sicher und gesund ist, die vorteile korrosionsbeständigkeit, verschleißfestigkeit usw. Aufweist, wirtschaftlich und langlebig ist.
  • Geräuschreduzierung und Luftdichtheit: Abgasschlauch hat einen guten geräuschreduzierungseffekt, der lärm für sie effektiv reduzieren kann. Es gibt auch zwei klemmen, mit denen die standheizung auspuff besser befestigt werden kann, um eine perfekte abdichtung zu gewährleisten. Die klemmen bestehen aus edelstahl und haben eine lange lebensdauer.
  • Einfache Installation: Entfernen sie direkt den alten oder beschädigten edelstahl auspuff schalldämpfer, schließen sie das neue auto edelstahl auspuffrohr an und befestigen sie beide enden des auspuffrohrs mit clips.
  • Breites Anwendungsspektrum: Edelstahl abgasschlauch eignet sich zum parken von lufterhitzern, luftrohölheizungen zum parken, kfz-lufthilfsheizungen und generatorabgasen.
  • Verpackung und Service: Sie erhalten eine 200 cm standheizung abgasschlauch und zwei edelstahlklammern. Wenn sie fragen haben, können sie sich gerne an uns wenden. Wir werden das problem innerhalb von 24 stunden für sie lösen!
List Price: € 25.99 You Save: € 2.00 (-8%)  Price: € 23.99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Summary: Mobile heating box with diesel parking heater

The mobile heating box described in the blog is an efficient and flexible solution for reliably heating animal houses, garden sheds or tents. With the VEVOR 8kW diesel parking heater, I have built a compact, weatherproof and powerful heater box that meets all requirements.

The heating box is characterized by its sophisticated design and versatile application possibilities. The 8kW heating output ensures that the temperature in the animal house rises quickly and remains constant even at outside temperatures of -10°C. The aluminum box measuring 78 x 52 x 33 cm offers sufficient space for the diesel heater, the integrated fuel tank and other accessories.

For the power supply, I installed a transformer that converts 220V external power from my PV island system into 12V direct current. In the future, an internal power source such as a car battery or power station is also planned in order to be able to use the heating box even more flexibly. Special wall ducts with rubber seals enable the secure connection of 75 mm air hoses, exhaust and combustion air. These wall ducts not only ensure optimum air circulation, but also waterproof and dirt-resistant operation.

Initial tests of the heating box have shown that it works both reliably and quietly, so the animals are not disturbed. Thanks to its compact design, the heating box remains mobile and can be used at a different location if required. The sophisticated combination of functionality, safety and user-friendliness makes this heating box a durable and versatile solution.



Zuletzt aktualisiert am 11. February 2025 um 23:00 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.



FAQ: Build your own mobile heating box with 8kW diesel parking heater

1. what is the advantage of a mobile heating box with diesel heating?

  • Flexibility: The heating box can be easily transported and used in different locations.
  • Independence: Works independently of the power grid and photovoltaic systems.
  • Efficiency: The diesel heater provides reliable heat, even at extreme temperatures.
  • Compactness: The heating box combines heating, fuel tank and electrics in a weatherproof housing.

2. which components belong to the heating box?

  • Diesel heater: VEVOR 8kW diesel parking heater.
  • Housing: Robust aluminum box for protection and mobility.
  • Power supply: Transformer for external power sources and option for an internal battery.
  • Pipe ducts: For air intake, exhaust gases and hot air distribution.
  • Air and flue gas hoses: For efficient heat distribution and safe flue gas discharge.

3. what advantages does the diesel heater have over a fan heater?

  • Low power consumption: Only around 40 watts in continuous operation, significantly less than a fan heater.
  • Independent energy source: Uses diesel or heating oil instead of electricity.
  • High heat output: With 8kW, also suitable for larger rooms or very cold temperatures.
  • Cost efficiency: Cost-effective operation compared to purely electric heating solutions.

4. how is the heating box operated?

  • The heating box requires a 12V power source, which is provided by a transformer or a battery.
  • Diesel or heating oil is filled into the integrated tank to ensure operation.
  • Warm air is fed through hoses into the animal house or the desired room.

5. is the heating box weatherproof?

  • Yes, the housing is made of aluminum and has waterproof feed-throughs.
  • All electrical connections are protected with heat-shrink tubing to prevent moisture.
  • Therefore also suitable for camping or as a roof tent heater

6. how loud is the diesel heater?

  • At low levels (1-2): Quiet enough for use in animal houses.
  • At high levels (5-6): The fan and pump generate clearly audible noises, but these are muffled by the closed heat box.

7 What safety measures are necessary?

  • Exhaust gas management: Tightly fitted exhaust gas pipes conduct toxic gases safely to the outside.
  • CO detector: A carbon monoxide detector protects against invisible dangers.
  • Heat protection: The flue gas hose must not come into contact with flammable materials.

8. what challenges are there when building the heating box?

  • Installing the ducts: Flue gas and air pipes must be installed tightly and securely.
  • Power supply: Reliable cabling is necessary to avoid short circuits.
  • Sound insulation: Additional measures can further reduce the noise level.

9. can the heating box be operated with heating oil?

  • Yes, heating oil is compatible and often cheaper than diesel.
  • However, clean heating oil should be used to ensure the service life of the heating system.

10. how efficiently does the heating box work at low temperatures?

  • The heating box keeps temperatures constant even at -10°C.
  • With a consumption of around 0.2 liters of diesel per hour at low levels, it can be operated for over 20 hours with a 5-liter tank.


The mobile heating box is a versatile and cost-effective solution that is ideal for animal houses, garden sheds or camping. With its 8kW diesel heater, it provides reliable heat, is easy to transport and offers sophisticated safety.



Einbau Steckverbindung Einbaustecker Borddurchführung Steckdose Wasserdicht (3-polig)
Einbau Steckverbindung Einbaustecker Borddurchführung Steckdose Wasserdicht (3-polig)*
by Onpira
  • Einbaustecker mit Kupplung. Hochstrom Einbaustecker mit massiven Kupfer-Steckverbindungen zum Geräteeinbau.
  • Einbaumaß: Ø19mm, Außendurchmesser: 33mm, Steckerlänge: 38mm, Material: Messing verchromt
  • Lieferumfang: 1x Einbaustecker, 1x Steckbuchse, 1x Spritzwasser Schutzkappe
  • Anschlussleistung: Siehe Tabelle
  • Wenn Sie Suchscheinwerfer, Pumpen, Kühlaggregate anschließen möchten, verwenden Sie zu Ihrer Sicherheit NUR Hochstrom-Steckverbindungen. Diese Geräte haben eine hohe Stromaufnahme, kleine Steckverbindungen können diese Belastung nicht bewältigen (Brandgefahr). Bei Hochstromverlängerungen ist auch die Kabellänge, Material des Kabels und der Kabelquerschnitt wichtig ist. Entsprechende Formeln sind im Internet zu finden.
 Price: € 9.50 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 12. February 2025 um 02:00 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.



Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf: English Deutsch

My name is Maik and I have been writing this construction diary since 2008. In addition to my family and job, the expansion and renovation of our art nouveau villa is an important part of my life. Here in the blog I share my experiences. Attention: Some of the linked products are affiliate links. If you order the products through the links, I will be supported with a commission. This has no effect on your price.

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