Rasenbewaesserung Rainbird Ventile an Hunter X Core anschliessen a - Lawn Irrigation - Connect 4 Rain Bird Valves to Hunter X-Core Computer

Lawn Irrigation – Connect 4 Rain Bird Valves to Hunter X-Core Computer

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I am still in the process of converting my existing Hunter lawn irrigation system. From the current 3 sprinkler circuits with 4 sprinklers each, I will build 6 circuits. I will then install 3 sprinklers per circle.

For the blasters, I have so far relied on models from Hunter. My 1st valve box is also a Hunter product.

Now the 2nd box is to be installed. Here, however, I rely on solenoid valves from Rain Bird. Rain Bird, like Hunter, is one of the top dogs in the irrigation equipment market. Price-wise, the valve box was even a little more interesting than Hunter’s box.

Structure and function of the valve box

The valve box forms an indispensable core of any efficient lawn irrigation system. As an inconspicuous but central component, it enables precise control of the watering cycles and contributes significantly to the health and beauty of the lawn.

What is a valve box?

The valve box, often hidden underground, serves as a shelter for important irrigation components such as the solenoid valves or the compressed air connections.

Their main task is to protect these sensitive parts from environmental influences and at the same time provide easy access for maintenance work. It contains cabling and hydraulic lines that enable the system to direct water to the various areas of the lawn.

Solenoid valves in the valve box play a particularly critical role, as they control the water supply using electrical signals from the irrigation controller. The precise function of these valves determines the effectiveness of the entire system.


Main components of a valve box

The main components of a valve box include the solenoid valves, the wiring and connections as well as the housing and cover.

The solenoid valves are central to the operation of the irrigation system, opening and closing the water flow as required.

The cabling provides the necessary connection between the valves and the irrigation controller, which supplies the control signals.

The robust housing and weatherproof cover protect the electronic and mechanical components from water, dirt and damage caused by external influences.


Function and operation of the valve box

The valve box works behind the scenes and yet is crucial for the smooth running of the lawn irrigation system. By opening and closing the solenoid valves, the system can water specific areas of the lawn or keep them dry.

This process is usually controlled automatically by the controller, based on set watering schedules or responses to sensors that detect soil moisture and weather conditions.

You can find detailed instructions on programming a Hunter X-Core irrigation computer in my article Programming a Hunter X-Core control computer for garden irrigation yourself.


Comparison of Hunter and Rain Bird components

Both brands, Hunter and Rain Bird, are known for their reliability and technological innovation in valve box components.

While Hunter focuses on user-friendliness and easy installation, Rain Bird is characterized by its durability and high adaptability to different environmental conditions.

Although both manufacturers offer high-quality products, they differ in small but significant details such as the type of valve technology and the warranty services offered, which influences the choice depending on specific needs and preferences.


Installation and maintenance

The positioning of the valve box must be carefully selected to ensure optimum accessibility for maintenance work and adequate protection against physical damage.

Regular maintenance work is also important to ensure the longevity and functionality of the irrigation systems.

This includes checking the solenoid valves for proper functioning and cleaning the inside of the valve box to remove any accumulation of dirt and deposits.



Plug&Rain Ventilbox ECO - 4 x Hunter PGV-100-MM Magnetventil (4 Zonen), 25 mm Anschlüsse für 3/4" PE-Rohr Bewässerung, 24 V AC Unterflur PE-Verteilung, PGV 100 MM
Plug&Rain Ventilbox ECO - 4 x Hunter PGV-100-MM Magnetventil (4 Zonen), 25 mm Anschlüsse für 3/4" PE-Rohr Bewässerung, 24 V AC Unterflur PE-Verteilung, PGV 100 MM*
by DVS Beregnung
  • Ventilbox mit 4 Magnetventilen anschlussfertig vormontiert
  • Plug&Rain: Baugruppen statt viele Einzelteile, so gelingt die Planung und Installation einer Bewässerungsanlage sicher!
  • Dimensionen für Eingang: 25mm PE-Rohr (3/4")
  • Dimension der Abgänge aus der Ventilbox zu Tropfrohr und Regnern: 25mm PE-Rohr (3/4")
  • Hohe Qualität und Komponenten von Hunter, Dura, etc - weltweit führenden Bewässerungsherstellern
 Price: € 342.50 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. March 2025 um 20:35 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.



Control Rain Bird valve box with Hunter X-Core?

I had equipped the new valve box with four solenoid valves from Rain Bird. In addition to the water inlet, there was also a water outlet that could be shut off via a separate tap or valve.

A sixth outlet on the water distributor was still closed at this time.

To be able to control the four circuits centrally via my irrigation computer, the solenoid valves naturally had to be connected to the computer.

At the time I was using an irrigation computer from Hunter, specifically the Hunter X-Core 801 model, which could control eight zones separately.

It was particularly exciting to see if the Rain Bird solenoid valves would work smoothly with the Hunter irrigation computer.

Basically, there was no cause for concern, as both the Hunter solenoid valves and the Rain Bird valves are operated with 24V.

Practice then showed that it actually worked.



Hunter Beregnungscomputer, X-Core 801i 8 Stationen (indoor)
Hunter Beregnungscomputer, X-Core 801i 8 Stationen (indoor)*
by Hunter
  • Hohe Qualität
  • Anwenderfreundlich
  • Zuverlässig
 Price: € 93.00 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. March 2025 um 20:35 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.


Video: Controlling Rain Bird valves with Hunter X-Core

I recorded the installation of the Rain Bird valve box and the connection of the solenoid valves to my Hunter X-Core irrigation computer in a separate video.

You can find many more videos about gardening and lawn irrigation in my Garden irrigation playlist.

If you want to see more of me and my projects, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.


Abonniere COMMAIK auf YouTube

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. March 2025 um 20:35 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.


Connecting solenoid valves to the X-Core computer

When I connected the solenoid valves, I followed the same procedure as with the Hunter valves in the first valve box. Each valve was connected via two cables or wires.

One wire served as the earth connection, while the voltage was applied to the other cable.

The earth cable from all the valves could be clamped together again, whereby a single wire was sufficient for all the earth connections on the valves.

WAKO clamps proved to be practical for splitting the earth cable. The second wire then had to be connected to the correspondingly marked terminal on the irrigation computer.

To install my four valves, I therefore needed a control cable with at least five individual wires.



PVC Steuerkabel YSLY-JZ Querschnitt 7x1 qmm 50m Steuerleitung 0,85EUR/1m
 Price: € 100.61 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. March 2025 um 21:03 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.



Summary and conclusion

I remodeled my existing Hunter lawn irrigation system and increased the number of sprinkler circuits from three to six, now installing three sprinklers in each circuit.

Up to now I have relied on models from Hunter, and my first valve box was also a product from this brand.

I have now installed a second valve box, in which I used solenoid valves from Rain Bird. Rain Bird, similar to Hunter, is considered a leader in the irrigation equipment market and the valve box was actually priced slightly more attractively than the Hunter box.

The valve box, usually installed underground, protects important irrigation components such as the solenoid valves or compressed air connections and enables the system to direct water specifically to the various areas of the lawn.

The precise function of the solenoid valves in the valve box is crucial for the effectiveness of the entire system.

It was exciting for me to see if the Rain Bird solenoid valves would work smoothly with my Hunter X-Core irrigation computer, which can control eight zones separately.

As expected, the 24V systems of both brands worked together without any problems.



Rain Bird vormontierter Verteiler inkl. Magnetventil und Ventilbox Bewässerung, 4 Zonen, Anschluß 25 mm PE-Rohr
Rain Bird vormontierter Verteiler inkl. Magnetventil und Ventilbox Bewässerung, 4 Zonen, Anschluß 25 mm PE-Rohr*
by Rain Bird
  • vormontierter Verteiler für Ventilbox ( Box inklusiv) im Lieferumfang enthalten: PP Verschraubung Magnetventil 100-HV-MM von Rain Bird, Kugelschieber, Nippe,l Plug, Verteiler Rain Bird 1 x Rain Bird Bogen mit 2 x Innengewinde, 1 x Pressluftanschluss, Ventilbox VBA02675 ( 4 fach Verteiler) VBA02674 (2 und 3 fach Verteiler)
  • passendes Steuergerät RZX 4 Zonen ,6 Zonen,8 Zonen für den Innenraum oder 4 Zonen,6 Zonen ,8 Zonen Außenbereich finden Sie in unserem Shop
 Price: € 299.90 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen*
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. March 2025 um 20:35 . Ich weise darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. (*) Bei den verwendeten Produktlinks handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Ich bin nicht der Verkäufer des Produktes. Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Dein Preis ändert sich jedoch nicht.



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My name is Maik and I have been writing this construction diary since 2008. In addition to my family and job, the expansion and renovation of our art nouveau villa is an important part of my life. Here in the blog I share my experiences. Attention: Some of the linked products are affiliate links. If you order the products through the links, I will be supported with a commission. This has no effect on your price.

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