Installing lawn irrigation: Valve box, Hunter solenoid valves and Rain Bird water distribution in detail
Efficient lawn irrigation starts with a well-planned valve box, which forms the heart of the entire garden irrigation system. In this article, I will show you how I set up my valve box, selected the right components and optimized the water distribution. This involves installing the manifold, connecting the Hunter solenoid valves and laying the pipes safely. I also explain why I rely on a modular design so that the system can be flexibly expanded at any time. All the details on material selection, pressure resistance and optimum connection technology can be found here.
Planning automatic garden irrigation: step-by-step instructions for efficient lawn irrigation
Well-designed garden irrigation is the key to a lush green lawn and optimally nourished plants. In this article, I show you how I planned my lawn irrigation with the DVS irrigation tool. I explain the most important planning steps, explain how to choose the right sprinklers and show you how to calculate the optimum water volume and pressure. In addition to planning, I also discuss typical mistakes that should be avoided. If you want to design your lawn irrigation efficiently, you will find all the important information here – including a detailed planning video.